Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

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Comments about Bachelor of Arts in Political Science - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    The undergraduate program offers a wide range of courses to acquaint students with a theoretical and an empirical understanding of politics, state and its institutions and transnational politics. The study of Political Science stimulates the interest of those students who would like to have a clear grasp of classical and contemporary politics, both domestic and international. Class sizes have been maintained at a manageable level (introductory courses at 100 and senior seminars at 20), which enables faculty members to establish a direct relationship with each of their students.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
  • Course description
    Honours in Political Science: 60 credits

    The Department of Political Science is accepting a limited number of top students directly into the Honours program, which is designed in particular for those planning to go on to graduate studies. A high level of performance is required to enter and remain in the program. Students entering either Honours option must have a GPA of at least 3.3.

    Option A

        * 12 credits in Introduction to Political Science, Introduction to Canadian Politics, Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Western Political Theory
        * 6 elective credits in Political Science chosen from Hellenistic, Roman, Medieval Political Philosophy; Early Modern Political Philosophy; Late Modern Political Philosophy; Principles of Political Theory
        * 6 elective credits in Political Science chosen from Political Science and Scientific Method or Survey and Research Design and Empirical Research Methods
        * 33 elective credits in Political Science at the intermediate or advanced level, chosen from at least three of the five groups of courses, at least 12 at the advanced level
        * 3 credits in Honours Seminar
        * 30 elective credits in any department

    Option B - Thesis

        * 12 credits in Introduction to Political Science, Introduction to Canadian Politics, Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Western Political Theory
        * 6 elective credits chosen from: Hellenistic, Roman, Medieval Political Philosophy; Early Modern Political Philosophy; Late Modern Political Philosophy; Principles of Political Theory
        * 6 elective credits chosen from: Political Science and Scientific Method or Survey and Research Design and Empirical Research Methods
        * 3 credits in Honours Tutorial
        * 24 elective credits chosen from at least three of the five groups of Political Science courses at the intermediate or advanced level with a minimum of 9 credits at the advanced level
        * 6 credits in Honours Thesis
        * 3 credits in Honours Seminar
        * 30 elective credits in any department

    Major in Political Science
    : 42 credits

        * 12 credits in Introduction to Political Science, Introduction to Canadian Politics, Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Western Political Theory
        * 30 elective credits in Political Science at the advanced level, chosen from at least three of the five groups of courses, with at least six of these credits in seminars
        * 48 elective credits in any department, some of which may take the form of a Major or Minor in another department

    Minor in Political Science: 24 credits

        * 12 credits in Introduction to Political Science, Introduction to Canadian Politics, Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Western Political Theory
        * 12 elective credits chosen from three of the five groups of courses, with at least nine of these credits at the advanced or seminar level

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