20-credit BA with Major in French
Students must take a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine credits in French.
Departmental requirements
2000 level
• FREN 2045.06
• FREN 2201.03
• FREN 2202.03
3000 level
• FREN 3045.06
• Two other 3000 level full credits in French
4000 level
• FREN 4017.03 and 4046.03
• One 4000 level full credit in French
- FREN 1005X/Y.06: Français fondamental/Basic French.
- FREN 1045X/Y.06: Français intermédiare/Intermediate French.
- FREN 1050X/Y.06: Français pour Anciens Etudiants des programs D'Immersion/French for Former Immersion Students.
- FREN 1060X/Y.06: Pratique de la lecture/French for Reading.
- Note: Most classes above this level are given entirely in French. Exceptions: FREN 2060.03, FREN 2275.03, FREN 2800.03, FREN 2801.03, FREN 3125.03, FREN 3175.03, FREN 4016.06 (These classes do not satisfy the French degree program requirements or the Faculty Language requirement.)
- FREN 2002.03: Le français oral/Spoken French.
- FREN 2003.03: La Comprehension auditive/French for Listening Comprehension.
- FREN 2020.03: Introduction à La Linguistique/Introduction to Linguistics.
- FREN 2021.03: FREN 2022.03: Langue et culture/Language and Culture.
- FREN 2025.03: Morphologie/Morphology.
- FREN 2032.03: La phonologie/Phonology.
- FREN 2045X/Y.06: Grammaire intensive/Intensive Grammar.
- FREN 2060.03: Advanced Readings in French/Pratique de la lecture, niveau superieur.
- FREN 2201.03: FREN 2202.03: Introduction à la littérature/ Introduction to French Literature.
- FREN 2203.03: Approches du texte littéraire/ Approaches to Literary Texts.
- FREN 2275.03: French Literature in Translation: The Novel/Littérature française le cas du roman en traduction anglaise.
- FREN 2800.03: Cinema: The French Phenomenon I. From the Lumière Brothers to the New Wave.
- FREN 2801.03: Cinema: The French Phenomenon II. From the New Wave to the New Millennium.
- FREN 2994.03: Independent Study.
- FREN 3000.03: Cours supérieur de français oral/ Advanced Oral French Workshop.
- FREN 3020X/Y.06: Linguistique/Linguistics.
- FREN 3021.03: Syntaxe / Syntax.
- FREN 3022.03: Semantics / Semantique.
- FREN 3025.03: Les Parlers acadiens: Introduction linguistique/Linguistic Introduction to Acadian Dialectology.
- FREN 3026.03: Le français québécois/ Quebec French.
- FREN 3030X/Y.06: Le français des affaires/French for Business.
- FREN 3045X/Y.06: Expression écrite I/Written Expression I.
- FREN 3101.03: Civilisation de la France/Civilization of France.
- FREN 3125.03: The French-Speaking World/Le Monde francophone.
- FREN 3150.03: Aspects de la francophonie/Aspects of the Francophone World.
- FREN 3175.03: Topical Issues in Francophonie/Thémes de la francophonie.
- FREN 3225.03: L'Epistolaire/Letter Writing in French Literature.
- FREN 3250.03: Ecrivaines françaises/French Women writers.
- FREN 3260.03: Contes et légendes du monde francophone/Tales and Legends of the Francophone World.
- FREN 3300.03: La littérature m?di?vale/ Mediaeval French Literature.
- FREN 3400.03: La littérature du seiziéme siècle/16th Century French Literature.
- FREN 3500.03: La littérature du dix-septiéme siècle/17th Century French Literature.
- FREN 3600.03: La littérature du dix-huitiéme siècle/18th Century French Literature.
- FREN 3700.03: La littérature du dix-neuviéme siècle/19th Century French Literature.
- FREN 3750.03: littérature industrielle, Roman populaire et Roman de consommation/Popular Literature and the Rise of Mass Culture.
- FREN 3800.03: Théâtre et poésie du vingtiéme siècle/ French Theatre and Poetry of the 20th Century.
- FREN 3810.03: Prose et théorie littéraire du 20e siècle/ 20th Century Prose and Literary Theory.
- FREN 3811.03: Introduction to African and Caribbean Francophone Literature/ Introduction a la literature francophone de l-afrique subsaharienne et des caribes.
- FREN 3900.03: FREN 3901.03: La littérature canadienne française/French-Canadian Literature.
- FREN 3910.03: Études acadiennes/Acadian Studies.
- FREN 3994.03: Independent Study.
- FREN 4001.03: Histoire du français - Moyen Age/History of French - The Middle Ages.
- FREN 4002.03: Histoire du français - époque moderne/History of French - The Modern Period.
- FREN 4011.03: La Lexicologie/Lexicology.
- FREN 4013.03: Pragmatique/Pragmatics.
- FREN 4014.03: Langue et société/ Language and Society.
- FREN 4016.06: Introduction to Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching.
- FREN 4017.03: Traduction générale/General Translation.
- FREN 4018.03: Outils et ressources électroniques d'aide à la rédaction, la traduction et la r?vision en français/Electronic tools and resources for French.
- FREN 4046.03: Composition avancée/Advanced Composition.
- FREN 4300.03: Le roman courtois/Courtly Novels.
- FREN 4301.03: La Povsie courtoise/Courtly Poetry.
- FREN 4401.03: La pensée philosophique, politique et morale de la renaissance/Philosophical, Political and Moral Thought of the Renaissance.
- FREN 4500.03: L'aventure intellectuelle du grand siècle/The Intellectual Adventure of 17th-Century France.
- FREN 4550.03: La Femme de lettres au Grand siècle/ Literary Women of French Classicism.
- FREN 4600.03: Le siècle des lumière: forme et philosophie/The Enlightenment: Form and Philosophy.
- FREN 4700.03: La révolution romantique/The Romantic Revolution.
- FREN 4701.03: Le roman du dix-neuvième siècle/ The Nineteenth-Century Novel.
- FREN 4710.03: Du symbolisme au surréalisme/ From Symbolism to Surrealism.
- FREN 4801.03: Le Nouveau Roman/Anti-novels of the 20th Century.
- FREN 4811.03: La poésie francophone de Perse et Char à Senghor et Césaire/Francophone Poetry from Perse and Char to Senghor and Césaire.
- FREN 4902.03: FREN 4903.03: Écrivains québécois contemporain/Contemporary Quebec Writers.
- FREN 4904.03: Écrivaines québécoises/ Quebec Women Writers.
- FREN 4933.00: Séminaire "Honours"/Honours Seminar, Honours Essay.
- FREN 4994.03: FREN 4995.03B, FREN 4996.03/FREN 4997.03B, FREN 4998.03/FREN 4999.03: Recherches independantes/Independent Research.
- FREN 9997.15: Senegal.
- FREN 9998.15: France Semester Abroad.
- FREN 9999X/Y.30: France Year Abroad.