Comments about Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice - At the institution - New Westminster - British Columbia
This collaborative degree is offered in partnership with the University College of the Fraser Valley (UCFV) which awards the degree upon completion. Douglas College students complete the first three years of the B.A. (Criminal Justice) at Douglas College, before completing their fourth year at the UCFV campus in Abbotsford.
Academic title
Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice
Course description
Course requirements for entry to Third Year of the BA (Criminal Justice) Program
Course Credits
Crim 1100 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System 3
Crim 1150 Introduction to Criminology 3
Crim 1160 The Canadian Legal System 3
Crim 2140 Interviewing and Professional Skills 3
Crim 2240 Problem Management in Criminal Justice 3
Crim 2251 Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour 3
Crim 2252 Sociological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour 3
Crim 2254 Research Methods in Criminology 3
Crim 2260 Criminal Law 3
Psyc 1100 An Introduction to Psychology I 3
Psyc 1200 An Introduction to Psychology II 3
Poli 1102 Introduction to Canadian Government 3
Soci 1125 Social Processes 3
Engl 1130 Academic Writing 3
Engl Elective (Any university transfer English) 3
Crim Elective (any level) 3
Crim Elective (any level) 3
Crim Elective (any level) 3
Elective (Any non-Crim course that has transfer credit to UCFV as a 200 level or higher Arts course) 3
Elective (Any university transfer course) 3