Bachelor Of Arts - Educational Studies and Bachelor of Education

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Comments about Bachelor Of Arts - Educational Studies and Bachelor of Education - At the institution - Sherbrooke - Québec

  • Objectives
    As a teaching and learning institution, the Bishop's School of Education, in collaboration with the greater educational community, is dedicated to developing reflective and exemplary educators. Graduates of the Bachelor of Education program will be prepared to assume leadership roles in education as a result of both a theory based and a practice-oriented course of studies founded on the principles of social responsibility and respect for individual dignity.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Arts - Educational Studies and Bachelor of Education
  • Course description
    The Elementary Teacher Education Program at Bishop's University is a two step program leading to two degrees, a Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies and a Bachelor of Education. This combination of degrees is required in order to be eligible for a teaching permit or "brevet d'enseignement." The first degree prepares the student to teach a broad range of subjects that can be found in the elementary curriculum. Students who have completed another bachelor degree will be required to follow this program as part of their B.Ed. Please note that requirements of this program are subject to change in accordance with stipulations of the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport.

    Step One:
    The compulsory courses in Education are:
    EDU 116 Introduction to Professional Practice with co-requisite
    ILT 101 - Information Literacy Critical
    Thinking Lab (1 credit)
    EDU 201 Orientation to Teaching
    EDU 202 Teaching Ethics and Religious Culture
    EDU 211 Introduction to Young Adult Literature and Other Contemporary Texts
    EDU 216 Reflective Practicum
    EDU 275 Managing Behaviour Disorders in The Classroom
    OR PSY 290
    EDU 285 Psychology of Reading
    EDU 305 Multicultural Education
    EDU 322 Integrating Technology in the Classroom
    EDU 301 Educational Psychology
    EDU 302 Philosophy of Education
    OR EDU303/SOC299 Sociology of Education
    EDU 309 Effective Teaching Methods
    EDU 310 K and Elementary Curriculum
    EDU 328 Professional Practice - Elementary
    EDU 406 Student Centered Evaluation
    EDU 421 Methods in Teaching Language Arts I
    EDU 422 Methods in the Teaching of Mathematics I
    EDU 425 Methods in the Teaching of Creative Arts - Elementary

    The compulsory courses in other disciplines are:
    HIS 104 OR HIS 105 or HIS 109
    ESG 126 OR ESG 127 or ESG 162 or ESG 100
    MAT 100 Excursions in Modern Math
    ENG 210 Children's Literature
    *PSY 237 Child Psychology II

    *The Psychology Department might request that students take some prerequisite Psychology courses prior to taking the above courses.

    Two of:
    PHY 113 Introduction to Astronomy
    OR PHY 111 Physics of Everyday Phenomena
    BIO/BIL 193 Introductory Biology + lab
    CHE 131 The Chemistry of Everyday Life

    One of:
    DRA 102, DRA 110, FIN 140, FIN 181, FRA 203, FRA 204, FRA 244, FRA 245 or any course in French or Quebec Civilization or Literature, MUS 110, MUS 111, MUS 130, REL 100, REL 101

    Step Two
    The compulsory courses for the Bachelor of Education are:
    EDU 401 Quebec Education
    EDU 402 Contemporary Issues in Education
    EDU 407 Individual Differences
    EDU 423 Methods in the Teaching of Natural Sciences
    EDU 424 Methods in the Teaching of Social Sciences
    EDU 428 Internship - Elementary
    EDU 431 Methods in the Teaching of Language Arts II
    EDU 432 Methods in the Teaching of Mathematics II


    EDU 115/116 ab     Introduction to Professional Practice     3-3-0
    Students will focus on the human and professional elements of teaching in order to identify those personal traits that are characteristic of effective teachers. This course introduces students to the process of reflective practice and to the professional knowledge base that inspires it. The above course components combined with field-based experiences and classroom presentations will help students make informed judgments as to their suitability for the teaching profession.
    Co-requisite: ILT 101 - Information Literacy Critical Thinking Lab

    ILT 101     Information Literacy and Critical Thinking Lab     1-0-1
    The objective of this laboratory course is to introduce students to the skills necessary to effectively complete their research assignments including the correct use of library resources including the online catalogue, periodical indexes and other relevant databases. Other areas of study include the identification of key terms for effective searching, productive use of the internet and the critical evaluation of retrieved resources. Academic integrity, plagiarism and the correct citation of print and online sources are also taught. The course is practical, and students are given the opportunity for hands on experience in the library's electronic classroom. Taught in conjunction with EDU115/116ab, "Introduction to Professional Practice", students retrieve the resources necessary to complete their assignments for the course.

    EDU 200/201a     Orientation to Teaching     3-3-0
    These courses are designed to introduce pre-service teachers to the act and art of teaching at the secondary/elementary level. Students will explore areas such as the latest research on the learning process, teaching for learning, learning communities, evaluating for learning, and the Quebec Education Program.
    Students will continue the identification process with the teaching profession begun in the EDU 115/116 course. EDU 200/201 is taken concurrently with EDU 215/216, the Reflective Practicum; the two courses collectively allow the students to explore both the theory and practice of the teaching profession.
    Prerequisite: EDU 115/116
    Co-requisite: EDU 215/216

    EDU 202     Teaching Ethics and Religious Culture     3-3-0
    The purpose of this course is to introduce pre-service teachers to the Ethics and Religious Culture program, implemented in all Quebec elementary schools as of 2008. Topics covered will include familiarization with Quebec religious heritage and current social and religious trends; consideration of local and global social visions, values and prescriptions; awareness of different cosmologies and understandings of humanity; encouraging the ability to take a reflective position on moral or ethical issues; developing understandings and appreciation of religious diversity and secular perspectives; and fostering the ability to position oneself with respect to issues of self and other in questions on meaning of life, death, suffering, social justice and more. Particular attention will be given to making the theoretical dialogue within this course applicable to the teaching context.

    EDU 211ab     Introduction to Young Adult Literature and Other Contemporary Texts     3-3-0
    This course is intended for future elementary teachers who wish to better investigate how to evaluate, select and share young adult literature. In the course, students will examine different genres of literature such as poetry, short stories, plays and novels. Furthermore, students will reconsider the traditional meaning of "text" and examine contemporary texts such as film, television, music lyrics and videos and how and if they play a role in classrooms.

    EDU 215/216f     Reflective Practicum     6-6-0
    This second year practicum experience involves the integration of theories about teaching and learning with observation and practice in a school classroom. Students are placed in an elementary or secondary classroom for half a day each week throughout the year. In addition, they participate in regular seminars to review and refine their approach to teaching throughout and written reflection.
    Co-requisite: For EDU215 the co-req is EDU 200 Orientation to Teaching, Secondary
    For EDU216 the co-req is EDU201 Orientation to Teaching, Elementary

    EDU 275a     Managing Classrooms and Student Behaviours     3-3-0
    This course will deal with the general principles of classroom and behaviour management. Its four goals are the following: to provide future teachers with the knowledge to manage their classrooms effectively; to present different models and theories of classroom management; to identify and discuss specific behaviour problems; to examine how schools attempt to work effectively with difficult students and their parents.

    EDU 285     Psychology of Reading     3-3-0
    The lifelong acquisition of reading skills is complex. Teachers need to understand the integrated language system: oral language (listening and speaking), reading and writing. Designed for teachers, the aim of this course is to learn about the psychological processes involved when we read. Theoretical approaches to language acquisition will be examined. Teaching strategies using multi-modal approaches supporting the development of reading skills will be introduced for various age and educational levels. Issues such as bilingualism, English language learning and cultural differences will be addressed. Reading disabilities affect many learners and impact all subject areas; consequently, knowing how language is acquired will enable teachers to understand the nature of reading disabilities and to learn strategies to meet the needs of all students in an integrated classroom setting.

    EDU 301a     Educational Psychology     3-3-0
    This course introduces pre-service teachers specializing in elementary and secondary education to the area of Educational Psychology. Educational Psychology prepares the teacher to understand principles of learning/cognition, human development, and motivation and the application of these theories to classroom learning, problem-solving, critical thinking and teaching, design of curricula, learners' with special needs, classroom management, and assessment and evaluation.
    Prerequisites: EDU 200 or EDU 201 and EDU 215 or 216 are prerequisites or corequisites with permission.

    EDU 302b     Philosophy of Education     3-3-0
    The course will focus upon philosophical ideas as they are applied to educational problems. Students will undertake a critical inquiry into several philosophical schools of thought with the view of developing a personal philosophy of education. Each school of thought will be examined in the light of its essential elements and basic principles as well as how each has influenced educational theory and practice. Questions of ethics are central to the course.
    EDU 303/

    SOC 299a     Sociology of Education     3-3-0
    The purpose of this course is to examine education in Canada from a critical sociological perspective. Education is a major institution in most societies and is a vital part of our social existence. The sociology of education, a sub field of sociology, focuses on the institution of education and the structures, processes and interaction patterns within it.We will look at the educational system as a whole, integrated and dynamic entity. To do so, reference will be made to a variety of sociological studies, but the main perspective is critical.

    EDU 305ab     Multicultural Education     3-3-0
    This course will focus on the curriculum process and will examine how teachers and learners participate in the various dimensions of that process. Students will use their prior knowledge and understanding of effective learning in order to generate curricular frameworks to guide their classroom practice. They will design strategies to make student learning more meaningful. The primary goals of this course are to (1) understand the roles of the schools, curricula, teachers and learners in the 21st century, (2) understand several different modes of teaching and how each influences the learners' way of coming to know and (3) understand how to construct and effectively use unit level and lesson level plans.
    Prerequisites: EDU 116 and EDU 200 and EDU 215 OR EDU 201 and EDU 216. Third year standing or permission of the school.

    EDU 310ab     K and Elementary Curriculum     3-3-0
    Students participating in this introductory course, taught in an authentic, primary classroom environment, will explore the principles and practices which are germane to organizing and operating the classroom for learners in kindergarten and elementary school. They will examine typical early childhood programs emphasizing active learning, the role of play, the physical environment,materials and organizational components including criteria for creating and evaluating the quality of the environment for children in kindergarten through elementary school. Attention will be paid to the teaching of all subjects including moral and religious education.

    EDU 322b     Integrating Technology in the Classroom     3-3-0
    A basic course in the design, development, selection, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for enhancing the teaching and learning process. These include a range of technologies from traditional media (i.e., print materials, overhead transparencies, displays, video) to advanced technologies (i.e., CD-ROM, digitized audio/video, telecommunications). Skills in the design, development and delivery of effective communications through print, projected, and display media will be emphasized. Principles of page layout, typography, graphic placement, and organization will be applied to the development and selection of materials for interdisciplinary, multimedia thematic units. Through lectures, hands-on practice, small group discussions, and skills-building activities, students will integrate these technologies into active learning environments for K-12 students.

    EDU 330b     Independent Study in Education     3-3-0
    Students in the first degree (BA Educational Studies/Elementary Education or BA/BSc Double Major/Secondary Education) may be granted permission to pursue an independent study project under the guidance of a faculty supervisor on a topic in Education. Topics must be approved by the School of Education.

    EDU 401b     Quebec Education     3-3-0
    Students will have an opportunity to study development of the Quebec educational system from its early 17th century confessional beginnings to the establishment of the new linguistic structures. Students will explore major educational ideas such as access to education and the growth of professionalism in the system. Legislation and regulations such as the Régime Pédagogique will be examined in the course.

    EDU 402b     Contemporary Issues in Education     3-3-0
    Students will study the school in a societal context. They will examine the nature of change in educational institutions with a view of understanding their role as agents of change and the impact of change upon others.

    EDU 406a     Student Centered Evaluation     3-3-0
    This course introduces pre-service teachers to the multi-dimensional and complex nature of the evaluation process fundamental to the development and tracking of competency. In this course we will explore and construct a conceptual understanding of evaluation strategies that support student learning and how these strategies can be built into daily practice. We will also construct an understanding of those classroom practices that are required to focus students on expected learning outcomes and determine to what extent these expectations have been met.

    EDU 407b     Individual Differences     3-3-0
    This course focuses on the teaching of students with special needs in inclusionary settings in the school community. Class discussions will centre on the issues surrounding mainstreaming and inclusion and their implications for teaching adaptations in the classroom and school community. Students will gain an understanding of the methods and strategies needed to successfully integrate special populations (including, but not limited to learning disabled, physically challenged, sensory impaired and behaviour disordered).

    EDU 411a     Methods in the Teaching of the Language arts - Secondary     6-6-0
    This course will help to prepare students to teach English Language Arts at the Secondary and Adult Education levels. Students will have the opportunity to work on their own writing skills while learning more about how to encourage secondary and adult learners to improve their abilities to read and communicate orally and in writing. They will become familiar with the QEP curriculum objectives for the English program and will be involved in planning units in assorted texts within the current Secondary English curriculum. Students will be exposed to new trends and appropriate assessment tools through classroom activities and assignments.

    EDU 412a     Methods in the Teaching of Mathematics - Secondary     6-6-0
    This course will focus on strategies for the teaching of Mathematics in the secondary school curriculum. Students will gain an understanding of the general curriculum objectives, trends and teaching methods through lectures, practice in the problem-solving approach, and discussions of appropriate means for assessment. Students may do projects and assignments related to course topics at the secondary or adult education levels.

    EDU 413a     Methods in the Teaching of Science - Secondary     6-6-0
    This course will focus on an applied approach to the teaching of science, in keeping with a "learn by doing" constructivist approach. Learning will take place through hands-on problem solving and design activities. Students will work on applied projects related to inquiry questions designed to develop a deeper understanding of issues currently under investigation by the scientific community. Discussions of teaching strategies in science will stem from the students'work on these projects. Understanding of the scientific method and the role of technology in approaching scientific problems will be features of the course.

    EDU 414a     Methods in the Teaching of Social Sciences - Secondary     6-6-0
    This course focuses on the teaching strategies and learning concepts in the geography, history and citizenship curricula. Students will gain an understanding of the general curriculum competencies, objectives and trends as well as of the conceptual base and associated methodologies of the disciplines. Students will be required to design a curriculum resource unit including appropriate tasks and assessment tools. They will also learn how to select as well as create resource materials.

    EDU 415a     Methods in Teaching The Creative Arts - Secondary     6-6-0
    The class itself models several teaching and learning situations and strategies for both elementary and secondary levels of instruction. Students work in groups, with partners and alone. Peer tutoring is used for part of the creative movement/dance unit. Students are given the opportunity each semester to talk with an artist currently exhibiting at the art gallery. Students are expected to develop sequential arts-based lessons formally, thematically and experientially, drawing on in-class situations modeled for them. Students are made aware of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Model and the importance of matching teaching and learning styles.

    EDU 418a     Methods in Teaching Second Languages - Secondary     6-6-0
    This course will provide a background in the principles and methods of teaching second and third languages to elementary and secondary level students. Course topics will include the theoretical basis for first and second language acquisition and learning; additionally, it will provide practical techniques for teaching and assessing oral and written components of language classrooms.

    EDU 420     Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning at the Secondary level     6-6-0
    This course assists students to plan for interdisciplinary teaching and learning at the secondary level. Students will explore the role of language across the curriculum and the different conceptual and textual demands of each discipline. Students will learn strategies for facilitating significant in-depth learning for adolescents through the use of interdisciplinary approaches such as project-based learning. They will be required to design a learning and evaluation situation incorporating two or more of the secondary disciplines.

    EDU 421b     Methods in the Teaching of Language arts I - Elementary     3-3-0
    The course will focus on language learning in English mother tongue with some class time spent on teaching English as a second language. We will be examining current research on the development of language arts: listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing in the classroom setting and what we as teachers do to facilitate learning; and considering this research in the light of our own classroom experiences. This course will focus primarily on the development of oral language and reading skills although all four language arts will be considered as they are inter-connected. Before exiting the course, students will be able to develop a unit plan with individual lessons, present peer workshops and offer written and oral presentations.

    EDU 422     Methods in the Teaching of mathematics I     3-3-0
    This course will focus on K-3 mathematics. Through the discovery of patterns and relationships and problem-solving, the students will be focusing on themes appropriate for the targeted age-group. Relevant resource materials will be examined with special emphasis on instructional practices. The course intends to impart to student knowledge of mathematics content in the elementary school (mathematically literate); problem solving in mathematics, creating problems and authentic tasks exercises, conceptual understanding from a constructivist approach, assessment in mathematics through the use of rubrics and concept maps.

    EDU 423a     Methods in the Teaching of Natural Sciences - Elementary     3-3-0
    This course will focus on inquiry strategies for teaching the sciences in the elementary school curriculum. Students will create and demonstrate peer science workshops based on elementary science curriculum. Students will gain an understanding of the science competencies in the education curriculum through lectures, presentations and real world science problem-solving. The course will result in students developing an inquiry learning project with multiple lessons and piloting the lessons in a simulated teaching situation.

    EDU 424a     Methods in the Teaching of Social Sciences - Elementary     3-3-0
    This course will provide students with opportunities to become active and reflective practitioners in the teaching and learning of social science. Teachers are expected to bring to their practice a knowledge of not only what students need to learn but also a knowledge of how they learn. In this course, teacher candidates will gain an understanding of the general social science curriculum competencies, objectives, and trends as well as of the conceptual base and associated methodologies of the discipline.

    EDU 425a     Methods in the Teaching of Creative arts - Elementary     3-3-0
    This course provides starting points for students to examine Visual Arts and Music both as separate disciplines and as potent tools in an integrated curriculum. Through a variety of approaches, students receive instruction in theory and teaching practices as well as hands-on experience. During the term students develop their own instructional strategies through the development of a curriculum unit of thematically related, arts based lesson plans and projects.

    EDU 431a     Methods in the Teaching of Language arts II     3-3-0
    The course will focus on teaching Language Arts in Cycles 2 and 3. Students will be presented with a variety of ways to help intermediate students continue to develop their reading and writing skills. They will be introduced to methods for the teaching of English as a Second Language in English language schools. They will review the requirements of the reformed curriculum and become aware of new trends and appropriate assessment tools through classroom activities. Before exiting the course, students will be able to develop a unit plan with individual lessons, present peer workshops and make written and oral presentations.

    EDU 432a     Methods in the Teaching of mathematics II     3-3-0
    This course is the second part of the teaching mathematics course in elementary school. In this course students will learn how to teach problem-solving techniques through various activities. The course entails group and class discussions, professional reading, lesson write-ups, lesson presentations, and peer evaluations. The modes of instruction used in this course include brief lectures, question and answer, problem solving, simulations, practices that reflect on the elements of effective mathematics education.

    The following Practice Teaching components take place in assigned educational settings:

    EDU 328b     Professional Practice - Elementary     6-3-0
    Through field experience in the elementary or secondary school setting, students will integrate theory with practice in this practice teaching placement. Students will plan, present, and self-evaluate lessons in collaboration with faculty supervisors, university teaching associates, and associate teachers. They will evaluate students and participate in the life of the school inside and outside the classroom. Students in certain secondary profiles may be placed in an adult education setting.

    EDU 329b     Professional Practice - Secondary     6-3-0
    Through field experience in the elementary or secondary school setting, students will integrate theory with practice in this practice teaching placement. Students will plan, present, and self-evaluate lessons in collaboration with faculty supervisors, university teaching associates, and associate teachers. They will evaluate students and participate in the life of the school inside and outside the classroom. Students in certain secondary profiles may be placed in an adult education setting.

    EDU 428/429b     Internship     15-0-0
    This practicum is the culmination of the students' socialization into the profession of teaching. Through a lengthy school immersion, students synthesize theories with practice to assume the competencies required of a teacher in the classroom and in the profession. Students become full-time teachers and colleagues with associate teachers, university teaching associates and faculty supervisors. They focus on long term and short term planning and implementing units of study. They experience all the challenges of the profession C teaching and evaluating students, interviewing parents, working on teams, organizing extra-curricular activities, and participating in professional development activities. Students in certain secondary profiles may be placed in an adult education setting.

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