Associate of Arts Degree - Creative Writing Program

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Comments about Associate of Arts Degree - Creative Writing Program - At the institution - North Vancouver - British Columbia

  • Objectives
    Creative writing involves the study and production of literary and non-literary texts through focused experimentation with language. Proceeding from the idea that good writing is produced at the intersection of expansive reading, informed critical thinking, and participation in a vibrant writing community, the Associate of Arts degree in Creative Writing combines instruction and practice in both creative and critical writing, hosts a literary readings series, supports a student magazine (The Liar), and provides internships, scholarships, bursaries, and awards
  • Academic title
    Associate of Arts Degree - Creative Writing Program
  • Course description
    English Requirement    Course Credits
    Required:    6.00
    • ENGL 100    Academic Writing Strategies    3.00
    • ENGL 103    Studies in Contemporary Literature    3.00
    Credits    6.00

    Arts Courses 100-Level Electives
    - six credits maximum in one subject area (excludes English)    Course Credits
    Choose 18.00 credits of electives:    18.00
    • Humanities Electives    6.00
    • Humanities or Social Science Electives    6.00
    • Social Science Electives    6.00
    Credits    18.00

    Arts Courses 200-Level Electives - credits must be in at least two subject areas    Course Credits
    Required:    9.00
    • ENGL 207    Literary Theory and Criticism    3.00
    • ENGL 290    Creative Writing: Letter and Line    3.00
    • ENGL 291    Creative Writing: Narrative Fictions    3.00
    Choose 3.00 credits from the following list:    3.00
    • Humanities or Social Science Elective (excludes English)    3.00
    Choose 6.00 credits from the following list:    6.00
    • Recommended for Engilsh Majors: English 200, 201, 203 or 205
    • Humanities or Social Science Elective    6.00
    Credits    18.00

    Science Courses    Course Credits

    Choose 3.00 credits of electives:    3.00
    • Mathematics or Computer Science or Statistics Elective 100-Level or higher (PSYC 213 may be used)    3.00
    Choose 3.00 credits of electives:    3.00
    • Laboratory Science (requires minimum 2 hour per week lab and excludes any courses in Applied Science or Computing Science)    3.00
    Choose 3.00 credits of electives:    3.00
    • Science Elective    3.00
    Credits    9.00

    University Transferable Elective    Course Credits

    Required:    6.00
    • ENGL 190    Creative Writing I    3.00
    • ENGL 191    Creative Writing II    3.00
    Choose 3.00 credits from the following list:    3.00
    Recommended for English Majors: English 200, 201, 203 or 205
    • ENGL 104    Contemporary Fiction    3.00
    • ENGL 105    Contemporary Poetry    3.00
    • ENGL 106    Contemporary Drama    3.00
    • ENGL 107    First Nations Literature and Film    3.00
    • ENGL 109    Contemporary Issues in Literature and Culture    3.00
    • ENGL 200    English Literature from Beowulf to Paradise Lost    3.00
    • ENGL 201    English Literature Since 1660    3.00
    • ENGL 203    Canadian Literature    3.00
    • ENGL 205    Modern American Literature    3.00
    • ENGL 208    Studies in Fiction    3.00
    • ENGL 209    Poetry and Poetics    3.00
    • ENGL 210    Staging Literature: Studies in Drama    3.00
    • ENGL 211    Studies in Short Fiction    3.00
    • ENGL 212    Traditions in Western Literature    3.00
    • ENGL 213    World Literature in English    3.00
    • ENGL 214    Technology and Culture    3.00
    • ENGL 217    Literature on the Edge    3.00
    • ENGL 218    The Art of Children's Literature    3.00
    • ENGL 292    Creative Writing: Children's Literature    3.00
    Credits    9.00
    Total Program Credits    60.00

    ENGL 104    Contemporary Fiction
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: See information on English Diagnostic Test in the Registration section of the College Calendar.
    An introduction to new developments in the field of narrative fiction and criticism, this course studies short stories, novellas, traditional and experimental novels, and more.
    Note: While ENGL 100 is not a prerequisite, competence in essay writing and research is expected.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 105    Contemporary Poetry
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: See information on English Diagnostic Test in the Registration section of the College Calendar.
    Students read, research, and discuss a wide variety of developments and innovations in the writing, publishing, and performance of primarily 20th and 21st century poetry.
    Note: While ENGL 100 is not a prerequisite, competence in essay writing and research is expected.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 106    Contemporary Drama
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: See information on English Diagnostic Test in the Registration section of the College Calendar.
    This course focuses on recent innovations in drama and important plays written and produced for stage and film primarily in the 20th and 21st centuries.
    Note: While ENGL 100 is not a prerequisite, competence in essay writing and research is expected.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 107    First Nations Literature and Film
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: See information on English Diagnostic Test in the Registration section of the College Calendar.
    Students read and discuss aboriginal poetry, plays, screenplays, films, novels, and memoirs across national boundaries. The course may also include work by non-aboriginals on aboriginal subjects.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 109    Contemporary Issues in Literature and Culture
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: See information on English Diagnostic Test in the Registration section of the College Calendar.
    This course explores contemporary issues and how they are interpreted in literature, film, and music. The issue chosen for consideration will be announced during the registration period.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 190    Creative Writing I
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: See information on English Diagnostic Test in the Registration section of the College Calendar.
    Students sharpen their writing craft by work-shopping their prose, poetry, drama, and/or creative non-fiction while also studying contemporary practice in a selection of these genres.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 191    Creative Writing II
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: See information on English Diagnostic Test in the Registration section of the College Calendar.
    This course builds on Creative Writing I as students further develop their writing practice in selected genres and further study the art of contemporary forms.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 200    English Literature from Beowulf to Paradise Lost
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    Epic poetry, Arthurian romances, lyrics, sonnets, Renaissance and Jacobean drama: the course surveys significant works in all major forms from the medieval period to the mid-17th century:
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 201    English Literature Since 1660
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    This course examines significant works in all major forms from the Restoration to the Modernist Period. With the rise of print culture these works include diaries and journals, familiar letters, novels, poems, and plays.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 203    Canadian Literature
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    Students in this course discuss works of literature by key Canadian authors of poetry, novels, and plays, while exploring the unique history of Canadian cultural identity.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor. This course serves as a Canadian Studies credit.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 205    Modern American Literature
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    The course explores modern American culture through selected works of literature written in the United States from the late 19th century to the present day.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 207    Literary Theory and Criticism
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    Students in this course learn about the dynamic history of literary theory and criticism, focusing on the last century and approaches such as formalism, structuralism, psychoanalysis, feminism, Marxism, and post-structuralism.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 208    Studies in Fiction
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    Revolutions in story-telling will be studied while reading novels, graphic novels, and more. The course will focus on the cultural contexts in which fictional forms have emerged and gained popularity.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 209    Poetry and Poetics
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    This course examines the craft and history of poetry by studying individual poets, poetic forms, and poetry movements within historical and cultural contexts.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 210    Staging Literature: Studies in Drama
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    The course investigates the relationship between dramatic texts and performances within their historical and cultural contexts. Major plays from various periods and national theatres will be discussed as we consider how this art form has evolved.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 211    Studies in Short Fiction
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    Through a detailed analysis of representative texts, students learn how the short story and novella have developed in different historical and cultural contexts.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 212    Traditions in Western Literature
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    The course examines influential works of literature in translation from various periods and countries and explores how mythology, religion and history from non-English traditions have influenced western literature.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 213    World Literature in English
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    Students sample modern literature written in English and drawn from a variety of countries, cultures, and traditions around the globe.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 214    Technology and Culture
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    This is a cultural survey of modern writing with an emphasis on how technology has both influenced and been incorporated into a variety of literary works.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 217    Literature on the Edge
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    The course examines special topics, texts, and/or genres outside or on the margins of traditional literary studies, e.g. the memoir, fantasy and science fiction, the literature of utopias and dystopias and psychedelic literature.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 218    The Art of Children's Literature
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    This course explores the rich variety of children's literature and considers how writing for children delights, instructs, and subverts. Texts will include poems, novels, tales, illustrations, and films.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 219    Reel Lit: Literature into Film
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: Any combination of two first-year English courses.
    Works of literature transformed into television and film form the basis of this course. The individual works are examined critically and from theoretical perspectives.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 290    Creative Writing: Letter and Line
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: ENGL 190 and 191
    This is an intensive workshop in the writing of poetry, concentrating on an understanding of form, an awareness of voice, and an individual poetics. Students will have the opportunity to try a variety of forms: the short lyric, the serial poem, narrative verse, prose poetry.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 291    Creative Writing: Narrative Fictions
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: ENGL 190 and 191
    This is an intensive workshop in the writing of fiction, concentrating on narrative techniques in student writing and in a variety of published works of contemporary fiction. Students will have the opportunity to develop an awareness of voice, rhythm, dialogue, diction, character, and point-of-view.
    Note: Prerequisites may be waived by permission of instructor.
    Note: For the focus of the course each term, see the "Courses" page on the English Department website.

    ENGL 292    Creative Writing: Children's Literature
    3.00 credits    (4,0,0) hrs    15 wks
    Prerequisite: ENGL 190, 191 and ENGL 218 as a prerequisite or co-requisite
    This is an intensive workshop in writing literature for children of various ages. Students will work on such forms as text for picture books, nonsense rhymes, and chapters of young adult novels in verse. See the Courses page on the English Department website for the particular focus of this course in the upcoming term:

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