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Unit Clerk Certificate
Course description
This intense 18-week full-time course is designed to prepare you for a future in the health care field in hospitals, health units and clinics. Unit Clerks play a vital role in workplace settings by managing information flow.
The program will provide you with the knowledge and skills to work in hospital or clinic settings in the role of a Unit Clerk. The courses provide a practical introduction to such topics as medical terminology, communication, office procedures, processing of physician orders, and health care billing. A practicum at the end of the program will provide an opportunity for you to apply theoretical learning in a practical setting.
* OA1030 (3) Business Communications I
* OA1210 (3) Administrative Procedures I
* OA1231 (1.5) Skills Building I
* OA1365 (3) Introduction to Software Applications
* OA2511 (3) Medical Terminology I
* UC1202 (3) Work Role: Introduction
* UC1206 (1.5) Health Care Billing
* UC1208 (3) Processing Client Records
* UC1213 (5) Work Experience
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