Mechanical Technician - CNC/CAM Ontario College Diploma
ObjectivesThe Mechanical Technician - CNC/CAM program provides the student with the necessary knowledge and skills to work in the modern machining environment. In the technician program, the emphasis will be on using software and equipment to develop programs using computer aided machining software. Graduates of this program will have experience in process planning, machine set-up, programming, troubleshooting, implementing quality control procedures and computer numerical controlled machining. Technicians must also possess good communication skills and work well in a team environment.
Practical experienceIn the second year of the program, there is an optional co-operative education component.
Academic titleMechanical Technician - CNC/CAM Ontario College Diploma
Course descriptionLevel 1 Credits
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
DRAF-1056 Blueprint Reading 3.00
CADD-1058 Computer Aided Design 1 3.00
COMP-1336 Computer Literacy 2.00
MACH-1130 Conventional Machine Shop 1 5.50
COMM-1004 Language & Communication Skills 1 3.00
MECH-1075 Conventional Machining Theory 3.00
MATH-1158 Mathematics 1 1.00
Level 2 Credits
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
Level 4 Credits
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
CADD-1059 Computer Aided Machining 6.00
MACH-3049 Computer Numerical Control 3 7.50
MATH-3056 Mathematics 4 2.00
MECH-1004 SPC and Metrology 3.50
Gen Ed - Electives
Take 3 of the following groups - Normally taken in Levels
1, 3 and 4:
Group 1
PSYC-5011 Industrial Relations 3.00
Group 2
HIST-1026 The History of Manufacturing 3.00
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
CADD-1058 - Computer Aided Design 1
This course is designed to introduce the student to two dimensional CAD (computer aided design) using MasterCam software. Topics will include: set up of user interface, file management, creating and editing two dimensional geometry, analyzing and editing geometry to ensure compatibility for use in toolpaths, and creating engineering drawings.
CADD-1059 - Computer Aided Machining
This is a comprehensive level course. The studentswill learn to generate tool paths on previouslycompleted CAD files. The student will generateand verify tool paths of CNC code for 2D, 2 1/2D, and full 3D surfaced models; some of which willbe run on the CNC machines. The student will alsocompare software packages and report on theirbenefits.
CADD-3023 - Computer Aided Design 2
This course is an introduction to using CAD software package to create drawings. The students will learn the essential skills to create 3D solid parts, and working drawings.
CADD-3024 - Computer Aided Desgin 3
This is an advanced level CAD course. The studentswill be creating solids, surfaces, functional assemblies and working engineering drawings to aidin the creation of CNC programs.
COMM-1004 - Language & Communication Skills 1
COMM 1004 provides the student with an opportunity to establish skills in reading, writing and editing documents for work-related and personal uses. Students will also practice important study/reading skills and apply grammar rules.
COMM-1075 - Workplace Skills 1
This course will cover the essential employability skills required to succeed in today's workplace. Emphasis will be placed on team building, conflict resolution, personal management skills and ethics in business.
COMM-3019 - Workplace Skills 2
This course will cover topics such as teambuilding, conflict resolution and ethics in the workplace.
COMP-1336 - Computer Literacy
This course will introduce students to various computer concepts, including Hardware, Operating Systems, Word Processing, and Spreadsheets. Through lecture and hands-on classes, the student will learn each module's everyday uses and apply them to their courses.
DRAF-1056 - Blueprint Reading
This basic course introduces the student to mechanical blueprint reading. Topics covered will include lines, dimensioning, tolerances, types of projection and methods to interpret working drawings.
HIST-1026 - The History of Manufacturing
The intent of this course is to give students an understanding of the development of modern manufacturing. The course will highlight the key aspects of manufacturing in a historical context and relate them to modern day needs. The last few sessions will be spent examining how the role of modern maintenance has developed in the last 100 years.
MACH-1129 - Jig & Machine Theory
This course will introduce the students to concepts related to the design and fabrication of jigs and fixtures that my be required to support CNC operations. It also will cover cutting tool theory and operations as it relates to CNC machining and tooling.
MACH-1130 - Conventional Machine Shop 1
This course will enable the student to produce machined metal parts to the specifications of a technical drawing, by means of safely operating milling machines, lathes, and surface grinders.
MACH-1131 - Computer Numerical Control 1
This course will enable the student to produce machined metal parts to the specifications of a technical drawing, by means of safely setting up and operating CNC milling machines, and CNC lathes. The program teaches CNC programming at the basic level, and emphasizes the “Setup and Operation” of CNC machine tools.
MACH-3048 - Computer Numerical Control 2
This course is designed to help students learn howto program CNC machines using codes, standards,offsets and tools. Students will be given theopportunity to verify and run their programs toensure accuracy.
MACH-3049 - Computer Numerical Control 3
This course is designed to prepare the student toprogram and operate Fanuc based CNC controlledmachines at an advanced level. The student willlearn how to safely operate CNC equipment makingcomponents from programs derived from CAMsoftware for three and fourth axis machining.
MATH-1158 - Mathematics 1
A practical mathematics application course on topics relevant to mechanical techniques (CNC).
MATH-3051 - Mathematics 2
This course will cover solid geometry, equation manipulation and advanced trigonometry.
MATH-3053 - Mathematics 3
This course will cover algebra and geometry. It will also provide instruction in basic trigonometry which will be useful when operating CNC machines...
MATH-3056 - Mathematics 4
This applied mathematics course presents students with problems in applied geometry that would help them understand surfaces and solids when working with CNC machines and programs.
MECH-1004 - SPC and Metrology
This introductory course covers both conventional measuring systems and co-ordinate measuring machines using STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL (SPC) tools. Through theory and practice, statistical analysis and measurement techniques will further develop correct judgment in quality control. Emphasis is given to reliable inspection reports/recommendations either orally or in written form.
MECH-1075 - Conventional Machining Theory
This course is an introductory metal machining theory course covering safety, metrology, drills, lathes, grinders and milling machines.
MECH-1076 - Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 2
This is an introductory course designed to introduce students to terms, definitions and concepts used in geometric dimensioning and tolerancing.
MECH-1077 - Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 1
This is an introductory course designed to introduce students to terms, definitions and concepts used in geometric dimensioning and tolerancing.
MECH-3031 - Jig & Fixtures and Machining 2
This course will examine jig and fixture design as it relates to CNC operations. It will also cover information on tooling selection and how it relates to the finished product.
PSYC-5011 - Industrial Relations
This course will enable the student to develop a practical understanding of the Canadian industrial relations system and the principles of behaviour in the industrial working environment.