MATH 5010.03: Introduction to Measure Theory and Integration.
MATH 5020.03: Analytic Function Theory.
MATH 5025.03: Commutative Algebra I.
MATH 5040.03: Homological Algebra.
MATH 5045.03: Advanced Algebra I.
MATH 5051.03: Integral Geometry of Convex Bodies and Polyhedra.
MATH 5052.03: Convexity and Fixed Point Algorithms in Hilbert Space.
MATH 5054.03: Wavelet theory and numerical applications.
MATH 5055.03: Advanced Algebra II.
MATH 5056.03: Massive Networks and Internet Mathematics.
MATH 5065.03: Algebraic Geometry.
MATH 5066.03: Advanced Statistical Theory I.
MATH 5067.03: Advanced Statistical Theory II.
MATH 5070.03: Topics in Number Theory.
MATH 5071.03: Topics in Number Theory II.
MATH 5090.03: Probability.
MATH 5135.03: Introduction to Category Theory.
MATH 5136.03: Topics in Category Theory.
MATH 5140.03: Introduction to Functional Analysis.
MATH 5166.03: Elliptic curve cryptography.
MATH 5170.03: General Topology.
MATH 5180.03: Introduction to Algebraic Topology.
MATH 5190.03: Ordinary Differential Equations.
MATH 5195.03: Topics in Topology and Functional Analysis.
MATH 5200.03: Ordinary Differential Equations - Qualitative Theory.
MATH 5220.03: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations.
MATH 5230.03: Partial Differential Equations.
MATH 5250.03: Asymptotic Analysis.
MATH 5270.03: Numerical Software.
MATH 5285.03: The Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations.
MATH 5290.03: Mathematical Analysis of Dynamic Biological Systems.
MATH 5300.03: Optimal Control Theory.
MATH 5310.03: Nonlinear Programming.
MATH 5320.03: Combinatorial Optimization.
MATH 5330.03: Topics in Graph Theory.
MATH 5340.03: Discrete Random Structures.
MATH 5360.03: Combinatorial Modelling.
MATH 5400.03: Applied Mathematics in Science and Industry.
MATH 5410.03: Topics in Cosmology.
MATH 5530.03: Differential Geometry.
MATH 5535.03: Topics in Differential Geometry.
MATH 5650.03: Relativity and Cosmology.
MATH 5660.03: Automata and Computability.
MATH 5670.03/4670.03: Computer Algebra.
MATH 5680.03: Topics in Logic and Computation.
MATH 5800.03: Introduction to Mathematical Research.
MATH 5900.03: Combinatorial Game Theory.