ObjectivesThe MEng programs are designed to provide practicing engineers the opportunity to strengthen and extend knowledge they acquired at the undergraduate level, to further develop their analytical and design skills, and to enhance their ability to comprehend and solve complex and advanced technology concepts.
Entry requirementsApplicants to the MEng programs must have completed a bachelor’s degree in engineering with high standing. These programs are entirely course work oriented; however, within the
Academic titleMaster of Engineering in Industrial Engineering
Course descriptionStudents must complete 45 credits of course-work as described below:
I. Specialization Courses: A minimum of nine courses (36 credits) chosen as follows:
I.1 Core Courses: The following three INDU courses (12 credits) in topic area E12 must be completed:
INDU 6111, 6211, 6311.
I.2 Area Electives: A minimum of 16 credits must be completed from the courses listed below: INDU courses in topic area E12 excluding the core courses;
ENCS 6191;
ENGR 7011 (1 credit);
MECH 6421, 6611, 6631, 6941†. *
I.3 Department Electives:
Other INDU 6000, MECH 6000† and MECH 7000† level courses.
II. General Electives
Up to 9 credits may be chosen from courses listed under the Topic Area E72 or other topic areas in the Engineering Courses section. The student must obtain written approval from the Departments that offer these courses.
III. Project Courses
A student may take project courses (ENGR 6971, ENGR 6981, ENGR 6991), replacing courses specified in Department Electives or courses specified in General Electives.
INDU 691 Topics in Industrial Engineering (4 credits)
Note: Subject matter will vary from term to term and from year to year. Students may re-register for these courses provided that the course content has changed. Changes in content will be indicated by the letter following the course number, e.g. INDU 691A, INDU 691B, etc.
INDU 6111 Theory of Operations Research (4 credits)
Linear programming: examples of linear programming problems; simplex algorithm; degeneracy; cycling and Bland anti-cycling rules; revised simplex method; duality; dual simplex method; sensitivity analysis; primal-dual method; network optimization: the trans-shipment problem and the network simplex method; transportation and optimal assignment problems. Project: two hours per week.
Note: Students who have taken ENCS 6151 may not receive credit for this course.
INDU 6121 Advanced Operations Research (*) (4 credits)
Mathematical modeling of industrial systems, including manufacturing and service systems, using integer programming (IP), network analysis, dynamic programming, non-linear programming and other optimization models. Introduction to stochastic optimization models. Traditional and advanced techniques to solve those models and industrial problems. Enumerative algorithms for solving IP and dynamic programming problems, post-optimality analysis. Applications in the design and operation of industrial systems. Design project.
Note: Students who have taken ENCS 6211 may not receive credit for this course.
INDU 6131 Graph Theory with System Applications (4 credits)
Basic concepts; trees, circuits and cutsets; Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs; directed graphs; matrices of a graph, graphs and vector spaces; planarity and duality; connectivity, matching and colouring; flows in networks: max-flow min-cut theorem, minimum cost flows; optimization on graphs: minimum-cost spanning trees, optimum branching and shortest paths. Project: two hours per week.
Note: Students who have taken ENGR 6111 may not receive credit for this course.
INDU 6211 Production Systems and Inventory Control (4 credits)
Integrated production planning and control. Large scale model development for demand forecasting, materials requirements planning and manufacturing resource planning (MRP/MRPII), production-inventory systems, production planning; models for line balancing, lot sizing, dispatching, scheduling, releasing. Models for inventory control, determination of order quantities and safety stocks, inventory replenishment systems. Supply chain management. Just-in-Time systems, lean and Agile manufacturing. A project is required.
INDU 6221 Lean Enterprise (4 credits)
Introduction to principles of the lean enterprise, process management, waste elimination and process variation, five S’s and workplace organization, lean analysis tools and performance measurements, Lean Six Sigma, enterprise value stream mapping, visual workplace, lean product development, lean business administration. A project.
INDU 6231 Scheduling Theory (4 credits)
Models for sequencing and scheduling activities including: static and dynamic problems; deterministic and stochastic models. Single machine processing; parallel machine processing; multistage problems including flow-shops and job-shops. Complexity issues. Exact and heuristic solution methods. Average and worst case performance analysis of heuristic methods. Applications in manufacturing environments. Current research trends. Project: two hours per week.
Note: Students who have taken ENCS 6201 may not receive credit for this course.
INDU 6241 Lean Manufacturing (4 credits)
Introduction to the basic principles and concepts of lean manufacturing; tools of lean manufacturing, including value stream mapping, standardized work, setup reduction; mapping the current state; mixed model value streams; mapping the future state; Takt time, finished goods strategy, continuous flow, level pull, pacemaker, pitch, interval; implementing the future state. A project.
INDU 6311 Discrete System Simulation (4 credits)
Probability theory and queuing theory; discrete and continuous variables and their distributions; deterministic and stochastic models; building valid and credible models. Computer simulation of discrete-change systems subject to uncertainty techniques to verify quality of input data; analysis of output data; determination of simulation run-length and number of replications; random number generations, variance reduction techniques, transient and steady state behaviour; comparison of alternative systems. A project.
Note: Students who have taken ENGR 6491 may not receive credit for this course.
INDU 6331 Advanced Quality Control (4 credits)
Introduction to advanced quality control and improvement concepts. Fundamentals of statistical methods and theoretical basis for quality control methods. Advanced and newly developed quality control and improvement methods such as modified and acceptance charts, multiple stream process control, control charts with adaptive sampling and engineering process control for quality. International standards of acceptance sampling. Economic design and implications of quality control and improvement procedures. A project is required.
INDU 6341 Advanced Concepts in Quality Improvement (*) (4 credits) The foundations of modern quality improvement, scientific basis of quality engineering, statistical experimental design issues such as randomized blocks, factorial designs at two levels, fractional factorial designs at two levels, applications on factorial designs, building models, and explanation and critique of Taguchi’s contributions. Project on selected topics.
Note: Students who have taken MECH 6461 may not receive credit for this course.
INDU 6351 System Reliability (4 credits)
Review of probability theory; definition of various measures (reliability, availability, MTTF, etc.) and related probability distributions; reliability evaluation of redundant systems (series, parallel, series-parallel, bridge network, etc.); two and three parameter Weibull analysis; failure data analysis; trend analysis; goodness of fit test (Kolmogorov/Smirnov test); introduction of stress-strength modelling; homogeneous Markov models; reliability evaluation of cold, warm, and hot standby systems; introduction to reliability testing; case studies. Knowledge of a first course in probability theory is assumed. Project: two hours per week.
Note: Students who have taken ENGR 6451 may not receive credit for this course.
INDU 6411 Human Factors Engineering (*) (4 credits)
Elements of anatomy, physiology and psychology; auditory and visual display engineering; engineering anthropometry; human capabilities and limitations; manual material handling: design of work places, human-machine system design; shift work and jet lag; acquisition and retention of skill; toxicity and hazard; human reliability. Project on a current topic.
Note: Students who have taken MECH 6251 may not receive credit for this course.
INDU 6421 Occupational Safety Engineering (*) (4 credits)
Engineering design for the control of workplace hazards. Occupational injuries and diseases. Codes and standards. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). Hazard evaluation and control. Risk assessment. Design of local ventilation systems for control of air borne contaminants: air movement through ducts, pressure losses, fan specification, balancing, hood design, air cleaning systems. Noise and noise protection: propagation of sound, barrier design, boundary surface treatment, enclosures. Project on current topic.
Note: Students who have taken ENGR 6401 may not receive credit for this course.