ObjectivesLandscape Design is a three year co-operative program of study providing training in the design of many types of landscape areas, with emphasis on commercial, institutional and residential sites. A variety of skills in areas such as drafting, rendering, and composition are combined with the knowledge of design theory, soft and hard materials, landscape construction and new technologies to provide students with the skills necessary to source employment in the exciting field of landscape design.
Practical experienceThis is a three year program with co-op work terms.
Academic titleLandscape Design Ontario College Advanced Diploma
Course descriptionLevel 1 Credits
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
Level 6 Credits
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
CADD-5015 Computer Drafting for Design 5 3.00
DESG-5010 Landscape Structures 2 4.00
DESG-5009 Landscape Studio 6 3.50
METH-5017 Special Project/Research & Dev 2 2.00
METH-5014 Professional Practice 2.00
LAND-3008 Field Construction 2 3.00
METH-1038 Geographical Information Systems 1 1.00
Gen Ed - Electives
Take 6 General Education Credits -
Normally taken in Levels 2 and 3
ARCH-3004 - Modern Architecture
This survey course of 20th century architecture covers the Modern Movement and subsequent developments, from about 1850 to the present. Major period styles are presented as expressions of cultural values, impacted by social and technological changes. At the completion of the course, students will have an increased aesthetic appreciation of architecture and understanding of architecture as a reflection of the wider culture.
ARTS-1036 - Technical Drawing for Landscape
An introductory course in technical drafting and graphic skills used in the landscape industry. The development of manual freehand and technical drawing techniques is stressed. The student will develop proficiency in the use of basic drafting and illustration instruments. Students will gain a good understanding of basic graphics such as line work and lettering required in landscape communication, presentation and construction. Neatness, accuracy, style and speed are stressed as essential to technical drawing. Projects instruct students in the reading and preparation of basic technical drawings, the use of tools and standard industry techniques. Emphasis is placed on the development of graphic neatness, accuracy, style and proficiency.
ARTS-1037 - Presentation & Illustration 1
The basic graphic skills required to present landscape design ideas are learned in this introductory course. The use of tools and development of techniques necessary for freehand manual drawing of plan, elevational views and 1 point perspective are stressed. Students will gain a good understanding of basic graphic communication for landscape.
ARTS-1038 - Presentation & Illustration 2
This intermediate level course introduces the students to a wide range of techniques required for graphic communications. Skills required for one-point, photo based perspectives as well as nightlighting are taught. Page layout and the preparation of presentation drawings as well as B/W and colour rendering techniques are taught. The use of the camera (35mm/digital) in the preparation of drawings is introduced. Instruction in a variety of professional graphic techniques to convey design information in a variety of venues.
ARTS-3043 - Presentation & Illustration 1-Landscape
This advanced level course will further developthe skills obtained in Presentation andIllustration I. Students continue to develop theirpresentation techniques through 2 point and aerialperspectives and a detailed exploration of designelements. Students are encouraged to expand theirillustration repertoire through research andexperimentation with new techniques. The use ofcameras and technology as part of page layout anddetail design as part of the project presentationis encouraged.
ARTS-5015 - Computer Illustration 2
This course is intended to expand the skills developed in Computer Illustration I through the further exploration and integration of graphic software and technology into the students design work. The main goal of this course is to assist students in designing, compiling and communicating their skills developed throughout this program into a portfolio suitable to obtain a position as a landscape industry professional.
BUSI-5001 - Small Business
Many graduates of Landscape start their own businesses or move into management levels of landscape companies. Small Business will explain the intricacies of starting and managing your own business. Topics will include organization, financing, marketing and duty operations.
CADD-1010 - Computer Drafting for Design 1
This course provides instruction in the fundamentals of AutoCAD with a focus on Landscape Design. Students will demonstrate their ability to prepare two-dimensional drawings as well as file management, drawing setup layers, line types, dimension styles, text and plotting. Students will be introduced to aspects of AutoCAD's three dimensional drawing.
CADD-3026 - Computer Drafting for Design 2
An intermediate course in the use of AutoCADsoftware for the creation of two dimensionaldrawings and an introduction to AutoCAD's threedimensional aspects.
CADD-3027 - Computer Drafting for Design 3
This course builds on skills accomplished inComputer Drafting for Design II, with a focus oncomplex settings for drawing management such aspaper/model space, customized plotting settingsand viewports. Students will use custom librariesto produce preliminary construction drawings forhypothetical landscape design projects thatsupport their work in landscape design studio.
CADD-5004 - Computer Drafting for Design 4
This course introduces 3D modeling in AutoCAD, reinforces landscape design AutoCAD skills developed in Computer Drafting for Design III and is a pre requisite for Computer Drafting for Design V. Students will create and render one complete perspective utilizing advanced 3D creation techniques in AutoCAD.
CADD-5015 - Computer Drafting for Design 5
This course will further refine and develop thecomputer drafting skills gained through theprevious levels of the Computer Drafting forDesign course sequence. Considerable focus will beon the preparation of complete and professionallevel drawings and maximizing and expandingtechnical CAD skills for efficiency. Students willalso be introduced to Architectural desktopsoftware.
COMM-3023 - Comm. for Designers, Planners, Techs
Professional communication is designed to improve students’ writing, reading, and speaking skills for work-related purposes. Emphasis is placed on process writing, composing, researching, documenting, evaluating, and editing program-related materials. Students also prepare a résumé/cover letter package and deliver an oral presentation based on research.
COMP-1404 - Dynascape-Intro
COMP-3079 - Computer Illustration
This course is designed to provide the studentwith the opportunity to gain experience in thevarious software and technology basedcommunication tools available in the industry.This course will assist the student to integratethese computer based skills with the illustrativecommunication skills learned in previous classesto clearly and professionally communicate designideas. Students will be encouraged to experimentwith new and different tools and media.
CONS-5013 - Landscape Construction
This course will enable the student to assess the gardens included in the field portion of the Study Abroad program from a materials and construction point of view. Costing and engineering principles will also be examined.
DESG-1008 - Landscape Design Studio 2
A continuation of Landscape Design Studio I, with an emphasis on landscape design process, principles, and techniques. Assignments introduce students to site planning and design strategies for residential and commercial design. Emphasis will be placed on design approach, composition and presentation. Students will develop abilities in planning and design techniques.
DESG-1065 - Landscape Design Studio 1
This course is an introduction to the landscapedesign process. Lectures, field trips andpresentations instruct the techniques, approaches,and compositional principles of design.Assignments focus on the fundamental strategies tobe used in designing small residential andcommercial sites. Students will acquire abilitiesin landscape design techniques and materials.
DESG-1066 - Landscape Materials
This course introduces the student to thematerials they will encounter when constructingand designing landscape projects. LandscapeMateriala explores the qualities and applicationsof aggregates, wood, concrete, masonry, naturalstone, geo-textiles, metals, plastics and glass.The learner will be able to identify, describe andunderstand how each material could be used invarious landscape projects, its durability andsubsequent maintenance.
DESG-3007 - Landscape Design Studio 3
This is an intermediate level landscape design course with emphasis on mid-sized residential, recreational and commercial projects. Design projects focus on single and multi-unit housing, open space planning and preliminary environmental site planning issues. The student must prepare individual presentations of design concepts and advocate for his/her recommendations on projects.
DESG-3015 - Landscape Design Studio 4
This course is a prerequisite for DESG-5004 Landscape Design Studio 5This course has been developed to reinforce knowledge of the design process by using design principles, techniques, and approaches to solve landscape design problems. A study of garden styles will be undertaken, and considerations for designing landscapes for multi-family and special needs residential developments, institutional, and commercial spaces will be explored.
DESG-3042 - Landforms
This course allows the student to develop anunderstanding of the interpretation, manipulationand illustration of landforms. Topics to becovered include grading, cut and fill, contours,aerial interpretation, environmental, design andaesthetic principles of land manipulation anddrainage.
DESG-5002 - Landscape Structures 1
Students in this course will be instructed on how materials are combined to construct stone structures and water features. Emphasis will be placed in statics/mechanics, aesthetics, durability functionality and construction methodologies. Exercises will also explore the costs associated with installation.
DESG-5004 - Landscape Studio 5
This studio course is designed to provide the student with a series of challenging projects that reinforce the application of the design process and principles integrated with their application to a wide range of projects. Working in an office model, the students take progressively more responsibility for planning and design.
DESG-5009 - Landscape Studio 6
This studio course is designed to provide the student with a series of challenging projects that reinforce the application of the design process and principles integrated with their application to a wide range of projects. Working in an office model, the students take progressively more responsibility for planning and design.
DESG-5010 - Landscape Structures 2
This course continues the work completed in Landscape Structures I with a focus on topics which include natural stone, wood decks, fencing, roofed structures, water, irrigation, steps/ramps, lighting and furniture. Practical assignments will include detail drawings, construction methods and cost estimating.
ECOL-1001 - Ecology
An introductory ecology course with specific emphasis on the relationship between the natural environment and the built landscape. Students will gain a more complete understanding of ecological principles through a series of field exercises.
HORT-1011 - Horticulture 1
In this introductory course in horticulture the basics of plant anatomy, plant physiology, plant propagation, plant growth and production will be studied using lectures and videos.
HORT-1015 - Horticulture 2
This course provides an introduction to the principles and practices of general horticulture. Through a series of lectures students will undertake an examination of plant growth environments, nursery and turf production, pruning methods, disease control and overview of horticultural crops. Specific attention will be on the nature and role of soil, the growth and propagation of nursery stock including turf grasses, and the use and management of these crops through horticultural practices.
HORT-3011 - Plant Identification
Developing and maintaining complex and intricate plantings requires a comprehensive knowledge of the various herbaceous plants such as perennials, annuals and weeds and their association with the woody species in the landscape. Learners will explore herbaceous plant identification, taxonomic detail culture and maintenance through lectures and plant walks. Classes will often occur off campus.
HORT-3013 - Planting Design Studio
In planting studio the learner will become familiar with and apply the techniques of landscape planting design such as garden structure, colour, naturalization, seasonal interest and layering. Through group and individual studio time the learner will begin to develop a personal planting style. Planting studio will draw on the previous three semesters of plant identification as well as the principles of horticulture and design.
LAND-1002 - Site Inventory & Evaluation
This course introduces the student to the process of assessing a site to determine the various elements that will impact on the development of an effective landscape solution. Classes will include practical field experience and small group exercises. Various survey and measurement tools will be used to accurately inventory existing site conditions and record this information. The impact of this data on the design, construction and maintenance of a garden will be discussed.
LAND-1006 - Land Styles and Techniques
This course provides the student with and introduction to landscape styles, the application of design and construction materials and techniques. The student will understand the basics of landscape design and construction principles, composition, elements and materials and how they are applied in the development of style. The role and work of a variety of landscape designers will be reviewed. The course is delivered as an audio-visual lecture, discussion and in-class exercises.
LAND-3001 - Field Construction 1
Through a series of lectures and practical labs the student will be introduced to concrete precast materials. Small projects using concrete paving stone and retaining walls using guidelines set by ICPI (Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute) will be followed. Strict workplace safety procedures will be enforced.
LAND-3008 - Field Construction 2
Through a series of lectures and practical labsstudents will be exposed to landscape featuresconstructed with wood. The students will beintroduced to wood working equipment in a shopenvironment yet the primary focus will be on theuse of portable wood working tools. The studentswill be involved in a major landscape displayproject that will take place at Canada Blooms inMarch of 2008. Strict workplace safety procedureswill be followed.
LAND-5006 - Landscape Studio 5 (Italian Semester)
This course will require students to complete projects with an emphasis on specific needs and programming of exterior spaces that are responsive to the nature of the site and within the context of regional traditions and materials.
LAND-5007 - Landscape Theory(Architecture & Design)
This course will present issues in landscape architecture/design theory in the historical/cultural context of the Study Abroad program. Analytical, comparative and interpretative-evaluative studies are combined with slides, site lectures, tours and field work.
LAND-5008 - Critical Readings for Landscape Design
This course will provide a structure for students to undertake a reading program relevant to the built environment context as found in the Study Abroad experience, and to distill these readings into a critical analysis of a specific aspect of the influence of the built environment.
LAND-5009 - Int'l Studies-Patterns & Influences
The General Education credit integrated into the Study Abroad program requires the student to select an aspect of the Study Abroad location that is unrelated to the built environment, develop a study plan, and report on the completion of this plan of study. Students may elect to study aspects of the culture such as its history, government, art, customs, literature, education, social patterns, scientific achievements, or interpersonal/communication patterns.
METH-1038 - Geographical Information Systems 1
This introductory GIS course will cover basic GIStheory and concepts in the lecture portion andprovide an introduction to ArcGIS software in thelab portion. A series of lab assignments willcover data views, tables, and layout views,layers, labeling and legends using the ArcGISsoftware. In the lecture portion the structure ofArcGIS, data acquisition, processing, storage,display and analysis, and the application of GISto Urban and Rural planning will be covered.
METH-3002 - Working Documents
This course permits the student to explore the nature of working documents through lecture and studio experiences. Lectures will focus on the material required to prepare each component in a set of working documents, and then supervised studio time will allow for this information to be practiced.
METH-5008 - Special Project/Research & Development 1
This course is designed to provide experience in research and the written communication tools that are standard in the landscape industry. The students will research topics in depth and will present these topics through the media of report writing, formal presentation and panels containing written and graphic images. Students will be challenged to find the most appropriate medium and presentation techniques for their research presentations.
METH-5014 - Professional Practice
This course will introduce the student to the elements of a profession, professionalism as well as business types and forms. Students will explore issues relating to employment, ethics and the landscape industry and its future.
METH-5017 - Special Project/Research & Dev 2
This course is designed to provide experience in research and the written communication tools that are standard in the landscape industry. Each student will pursue a topic of his/her own choice. The student will research the topic in depth and will present this topic through the media of report writing, formal presentation and panels containing written and graphic images. Students will be challenged to find the most appropriate medium and presentation techniques for their research presentation.
MTNC-5001 - Landscape Management
This course introduces the student to the issues associated with the implementation and long term care of a landscape design. Lectures and practical exercises will also explore the process of tendering, management during construction, contracts, warrantees, communication, and legal liability. Projects will focus on applying course material to institutional/commercial sites.
SURV-3013 - Surveying & Site Services
This course provides a hands-on approach to theuse of surveying equipment as used in distancemeasurement, differential levelling and anglemeasurement. Techniques of topographicalsurveying, note taking and surveying calculationsare covered.
WOOD-1011 - Woody Deciduous Plant Identification
This course will provide the student with an introduction to plant naming systems and taxonomy as an aid in plant identification. Through woody plant walks, plants will be viewed and studied in site, either in a cultured or natural environment. At the conclusion of the course the learner will be able to identify and give basic cultural information on over 150 hardy decidious trees, shrubs and vines for a USDA Zone 5 landscape.
WOOD-1019 - Woody Evergreen Plant Identification
This course will provide the student with an introduction to plant naming systems and taxonomy as an aid in plant identification. Through woody plant walks, plants will be viewed and studied in site, either in a cultured or natural environment. At the conclusion of the course the learner will be able to identify and give basic cultural information on over 100 hardy evergreen trees, shrubs and groundcovers for a USDA Zone 5 landscape.
WRIT-1036 - Reason & Writing 1-Art & Design
This course will introduce art and design students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. This course will also introduce students to selected topics and concepts in art and design.