ObjectivesThis program will provide students with a basic knowledge of heavy equipment encountered one-highways and in construction, forestry and mining. Emphasis is on shop safety, basic hand and power tools, fasteners, measuring instruments, starting aid and starting methods used in the trade. Students will be introduced to diesel engine construction and classification, power trains, traction controls and wheel final drives, electrical and electronics and air conditioning.
Practical experienceThe Skills Technology Institute (SkyTech) sponsors qualified Co-op Apprenticeship students to work as apprentices on a cooperative work term following their first and second academic years. This co-op placement is optional. Students will be selected based on an application process, which review past academic achievements. Please note that students on appropriate co-op placements receive credit for all in-school apprenticeship training.
This course will provide students with the fundamentals of basic heavy-duty equipment electrical and electronics systems. They will be instructed on the proper maintenance, cleaning, and inspection procedures of those systems and components. In addition, students will cover an introduction to lead acid batteries and electrical system diagrams.
* ENG1581 - 001 - Communication Fundamentals:Ind. Stu.
The students will develop independent learning skills and review the fundamental conventions of Standard English.
* HDM1140 - 002 - Diesel Engines I
This course will introduce students to different types and classifications of diesel engines. Students will also look at the basic operations of the two- and four-stroke cycle engines, as well asstarting aids and the methods used to start those engines. Topics include history, engine classification, and the proper function and use of diesel engine starting aids.
* HDM1150 - 003 - Diesel Engines II
Prerequisite: HDM 1140 The content of this course will address the basic construction of internal combustion engines. Students will be instructed on the proper maintenance, cleaning, and inspection procedures of diesel engines and components. Topics will include the construction and repair of engine crankshaft and camshaft connecting rods, piston and piston rings, block cylinders, heads, valves and valve trains, air and liquid cooling systems, lubrication systems, and the maintenance and testing of cooling and lubrication systems.
* HDM1161 - 005 - Trade Practices & Applications I
This course will introduce students to the heavy-duty equipment trade. Students will learn about safety procedures, responsibilities, and hazards encountered in equipment shops. Topics covered will include: proper lifting practices, fire safety and suppression systems, hazardous fumes, and carbon monoxide poisoning. The use and selection of various precision tools and testers used in the heavy-duty equipment trade will also be covered.
* TCA1100 - 002 - Trade Math I
In this course, students will become knowledgeable of basic mathematical operations including addition, substraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, decimals and fractions. Students will use both the imperial system and metric system in solving trade related problems in linear measurement, area and volume problems.
* WLD1105 - 002 - Welding and Oxyacetylene
This course will introduce students to welding equipment safety. It will familiarize the student with the uses of such equipment and their hazards. Topics will include introductions to oxyacetylene arc welding safety, and welding safety equipment.
Semester 2
* ENG1580 - 002 - Applied Communication I
Prerequisite: ENG 1581 Students will practice the fundamentals of career-related applications of basic communications skills.
* HDM1221 - 004 - Hydraulics
This course will introduce students to basic hydraulic systems used in the heavy equipment trade. They will learn the principles of operation, advantages and disadvantages, types of systems, and basic construction of hydraulic systems. The student will also learn the correct maintenance and repair procedures as prescribed by the manufacturers.
* HDM1230 - 004 - Fuels Systems
This course will cover the fundamentals of fuel systems and their components. Testing procedures, design differences, fuel injected systems, fuel pumps, and schematics interpretation will be included.
* PWT1100 - 003 - Power Train I
This course will explore the different types of power train systems. Students will learn the history and basic functions of clutch assemblies, manual transmissions, drive lines,and differentials.
* PWT1200 - 003 - Power Train Systems II
This course will introduce the student to the basic construction of clutches, transmissions, drive lines, and differentials including single and double clutch assemblies and manual transmissions. Students will be instructed on the proper maintenance, cleaning, and inspection procedures of those components.
* SSB1100 - 004 - Suspen/Steer/Brake Sys I Pneumatics
This course will introduce the students to different types of suspension steering and brake systems. It will introduce students to the history and basic function of suspension, steering systems, hydraulic brakes, air brakes, and air over hydraulic brake systems found in heavy equipment. Students will also be instructed on the basic construction of different suspension, steering, and brake systems encountered in heavy-duty equipment, as well as the proper maintenance, cleaning, and inspection procedures of those systems.