Elementary Portuguese II Course

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Elementary Portuguese II Course

  • Objectives This course introduces the fundamental elements of the Portuguese language within a cultural context. Emphasis is on the development of basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Upon completion, students should be able to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to spoken and written Portuguese as well as demonstrate cultural awareness.
  • Practical experience This course must be taken with the accompanying lab.
  • Course description
    1. Talking about what happened
      1. Preterite of regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs
      2. Preterite of irregular verbs
      3. Adverbs of time
    2. Talking about the past--Imperfect
      1. Imperfect of regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs
      2. Imperfect of irregular verbs
    3. Representing actions that haven’t happened yet
      1. Conjugation of the future subjunctive
      2. Uses of the future subjunctive
    4. Describing (Useful words and expressions)
      1. Por vs. Para
      2. Telling time and the date
      3. Demonstrative pronouns
      4. Comparatives
      5. Superlatives
      6. Comparisons of equality
      7. Positive and negative words
    5. The Imperative Mood
      1. Forming commands with regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs
      2. Forming commands with irregular verbs
    6. Pronouns
      1. Indirect object pronouns
      2. Direct object pronouns
      3. Verbs that use indirect object pronouns
      4. Combination of direct and indirect object pronouns
    7. Using the Present Participle
      1. The Present Progressive
      2. Using the Present Participle by itself
    8. Cultural Component
      1. Cultural readings, dialogs, and situations (for example, Brazilian singers, Brazilian transportation, vacationing in Brazil)


      Prerequisites: ENG 080 and RED 080 or satisfactory score on placement test
      Corequisites: POR 182, ENG 090, or satisfactory score on placement test


      This course introduces the fundamental elements of the Portuguese language within a cultural context. Emphasis is on the development of basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Upon completion, students should be able to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to spoken and written Portuguese as well as demonstrate cultural awareness. This course must be taken with the accompanying lab.


    9. Talking about what happened
      1. Reinforcement of the preterite of regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs
      2. Reinforcement of the preterite of irregular verbs
      3. Practice of the use of adverbs of time
    10. Practice talking about the past--Imperfect
      1. Reinforcement of the imperfect of regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs
      2. Reinforcement of the imperfect of irregular verbs
    11. Talking about actions that haven’t happened yet
      1. Practice of the conjugation of the future subjunctive
      2. Reinforcement of the uses of the future subjunctive
    12. Describing (Useful words and expressions)
      1. Reinforcing the uses of Por vs. Para
      2. Practice telling time and date
      3. Using demonstrative pronouns
      4. Practice of comparatives
      5. Practice of superlatives
      6. Practice of comparisons of equality
      7. Using positive and negative words
    13. The Imperative Mood
      1. Reinforcement of commands with regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs
      2. Reinforcement of commands with irregular verbs
    14. Pronouns
      1. Practice of the use of indirect object pronouns
      2. Practice of the use of direct object pronouns
      3. Practice of verbs that use indirect object pronouns
      4. Combining direct and indirect object pronouns
    15. Using the Present Participle
      1. Practice of the present progressive
      2. Reinforcement of the use of the present participle by itself
    16. Cultural Component
      1. Talking about cultural readings, dialogs, and situations (for example, Brazilian singers, Brazilian transportation, vacationing in Brazil)

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