ObjectivesOur Digital Animation program is a unique project-based learning experience that is well recognized within the animation and visual effects industry. Our curriculum offers an ideal balance of creative and technical skills, as well as an eight-week field placement for qualifying students. The Digital Animation faculty consists of leading industry professionals, who collectively offer over 1,000 hours of instruction. Our small class sizes allow students to gain greater access to the instructors for one-on-one help. The hands-on training we provide will give you the edge you need to launch your career.
Practical experienceThere is a field placement aspect associated with this program.
Academic titleDigital Animation Ontario College Diploma
Course descriptionSemester 1 Courses
Course Code Course Name Lecture Lab
ANIM-101 Introduction to Digital Animation
ANIM-102 Broadcast Design Project
GNED-173 (Program Mandated GNED) The Social History of Design
COMM-160/161 College Communication 1 / (ESL)
CO-109 Drawing for 3D Modeling and Animation
COMM-160/161 College Communications 1/(ESL)**
COMM-170/171 College Communications 2/(ESL)** Semester 2 Courses
Course Code Course Name Lecture Lab
ANIM-121 Character Modeling and Rigging
ANIM-122 Character Animation
ANIM-123 Visual Effects Project
COMM-170/171 College Communication 2 / (ESL)
ELECT Elective Semester 3 Courses
Course Code Course Name Lecture Lab
ANIM-221 Final Project
CO-428 Integrated Media
GNED-500 Global Citizenship: From Social Analysis to Social Action Semester 4 Courses
Course Code Course Name Lecture Lab
ANIM-222 Industry Field Placement
* Minimum C grade required (60 per cent).
** Students will be placed in the appropriate English level based on skills assessment results. ENG-160/161 is mandatory for students who test below 170/171 level.
1.Students are responsible for obtaining their own field placement.