Community and Justice Services Ontario College Diploma
ObjectivesThe Community and Justice Services program (formerly known as the Correctional Worker program) teaches you to work with society's most at-risk and hard to serve youth and adult populations. At-risk situations include addictions, involvement in gangs, criminal activity, lack of community support and services, family breakdown, institutionalization, etc. You will receive expert knowledge, skills and training to work in diverse settings including community and institutional settings that serve those people who are either at risk to criminally offend, currently incarcerated or involved with the criminal justice system, or those involved in rehabilitation/aftercare programs.
Academic titleCommunity and Justice Services Ontario College Diploma
Course descriptionSemester 1 Courses
Course Code Course Name Lecture Lab
CS-102 Interpersonal Skill Development
CJSP-100 Personal Management: Preparing for Success
CJSP-101 Introduction to the Adult Criminal Justice System
CJSP-102 Youth Culture and the Law
CJSP-103 Criminology
GNED-144 Developmental Psychology
COMM-160/161 College Communication 1 / (ESL) Semester 2 Courses
Course Code Course Name Lecture Lab
CS-103 Group Dynamics
CJSP-104 Application of Criminal Justice System: Youth & Adult
CJSP-105 Security Skills
CJSP-103 Criminology
CJSP-108 Filed Practicum Prep
COMM-170/171 College Communication 2 / (ESL) Semester 3 Courses
Course Code Course Name Lecture Lab
CJSP-208 Integrated Practicum 1
CJSP-209 Counselling Skills 2: Case Management
CJSP-206 Building Community Partnerships
CJSP-207 Field Seminar
GNED-500 Global Citizenship: From Social Analysis to Social Action
COMM-180/181 College Communications 3 Semester 4 Courses
Course Code Course Name Lecture Lab
CJSP-212 Profiles
CJSP-213 Personal Management: Preparing for Employment/Career
CJSP-214 Counselling Skills: Individual, Family & Group Work
ELECT Elective
CJSP-211 Integrated Practicum 2
CJSP-210 Mental Health and the Justice System