Clinical Behavioural Sciences Diploma

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Clinical Behavioural Sciences Diploma

  • Entry requirements Applicants must have basic professional qualifications (degree, certificate or mandate in current job); employment (possibly including volunteer positions); leave from employer to attend classes; and approval to use course-related material from the work setting (with signing of University legal waiver).
  • Academic title Clinical Behavioural Sciences Diploma
  • Course description
    • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
    • Applied Behavioural Analysis and Therapy I
    • Applied Behavioural Analysis and Therapy II
    • Applied Behavioural Analysis and Therapy III
    • Behaviour Analysis I TBD
    • Behaviour Analysis II
    • Clinical Supervision
    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy I
    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy I
    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy II
    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy III
    • Community Health: Planning and Prevention I & II
    • Community Health: Planning and Prevention III
    • Family Assessment & Formulation I & II
    • Family Therapy Supervision IV
    • Family Therapy Treatment IIIA
    • Family Therapy Treatment IIIB
    • Geriatric Mental Health I
    • Geriatric Mental Health II
    • Group Studies I
    • *Group Studies II B – New Course
    • Group Studies II (Block)-Tavistock Method
    • Group Studies IIIA
    • Group Studies IIIB
    • Group Studies IV
    • Organizational Studies I
    • Organizational Studies II
    • Organizational Studies III
    • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
    • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy I
    • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy II
    • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy III
    • Interpersonal Psychotherapy of Depression (IPT) III
    • Psychological Tests I
    • Psychological Tests IIB
    • Psychological Tests III
    • Selected Studies in Acquired Brain Injury
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