Business Administration - Accounting Ontario Advanced College Diploma

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Business Administration - Accounting Ontario Advanced College Diploma

  • Objectives Accounting is a service activity which identifies, measures, records and communicates quantitative information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities. As a part of a management team in business or government, our accounting graduate will help gather, organize and analyze information for owners, creditors and government agencies. Should a graduate choose to continue his/her studies towards a professional designation, the curriculum has been arranged to enable graduates to apply for advanced standing in the program conducted by the Certified General Accountants Association (C.G.A.).
  • Practical experience There is a work placement component associated with this program.
  • Academic title Business Administration - Accounting Ontario Advanced College Diploma
  • Course description First Semester
    Course Number / Title     Credits

    AC 102     Introductory Accounting     3
    CS 021     Communication Fundamentals     3
    CS 117     Communication Strategies     3
    HR 131     Human Resources I     3
    IN 100     Introduction to International Business     3
    MC 155     Microsoft Office 2007 Applications     3
    MK 114     Marketing Essentials     3
    Total     18

    Second Semester
    Course Number / Title     Credits

    AC 202     Fundamental Accounting Principles     3
    AC 222     Computer Accounting     3
    CS 031     Communication Fundamentals II     3
    GE     General Education Elective     3
    EC 302     Principles of Economics     3
    HR 232     Interpersonal Business Dynamics     3
    MA 132     Basic Mathematics Fundamentals     3
    Total     18

    Third Semester
    Course Number / Title     Credits

    AC 312     Auditing I     3
    AC 313     Income Tax I     3
    AC 353     Financial Accounting I     3
    EC 302     Principles of Economics     3
    GB 317     Business Law and Ethics     3
    GE     General Education Elective     3
    GE 376     Operations Management      3
    Total     18

    Fourth Semester
    Course Number / Title     Credits

    AC 415     Management Accounting I     3
    AC 416     Income Tax II     3
    AC 453     Financial Accounting II     3
    AC 454     Finance I     3
    AC 458     Management Information Systems     3
    EN 400     Entrepreneurship     3
    GE     General Education Elective     3
    Total     21

    Fifth Semester
    Course Number / Title     Credits

    AC 505     Accounting Case Analysis     3
    AC 507     Management Accounting II     3
    AC 508     Advanced Topics in Financial Accounting     3
    AC 553     Financial Accounting III     3
    AC 554     Finance II     3
    GB 500     Statistics     3
    Total     18

    Sixth Semester
    Course Number / Title     Credits

    AC 605     Work Placement     36
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