Bachelor of Science with Specialization in Exercise Science/Athletic Therapy
ObjectivesThe Specialization in Exercise Science (Athletic Therapy Option) addresses the knowledge and practical skills required to pursue careers devoted to the health care of physically active individuals by utilizing various techniques in the prevention, immediate care and rehabilitation of injuries. Your educational experience will include: musculoskeletal and postural evaluation, equipment fitting and selection, conditioning programs, prophylactic and supportive taping, injury assessment, basic emergency life support, first aid, preparation for entrance into appropriate health care delivery systems, rehabilitative techniques, modality therapy, and utilization of techniques facilitating a safe return to participation.
Academic titleBachelor of Science with Specialization in Exercise Science/Athletic Therapy
* 18 required credits in introductory Physical Activity, Health and Fitness, Adapted Physical Activity, Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, and Research Methods
* 6 required credits in introductory Emergency Care in Sport and Exercise, and Principles of Athletic Therapy
* 15 elective credits in intermediate Essentials of Exercise Testing and Training in Athletic Populations, Biomechanics, Neural Control of Human Movement, Cardiorespiratory Physiology, and Exercise Phyisiology
* 12 required credits in intermediate Assessment and Rehabilitation of the Upper and Lower Extremities, Therapeutic Modalities, and Field Internship
* 18 required credits in Nutrition in Exercise and Sport, Assessment and Rehabilitation of the Hip, Spine and Pelvis, Advanced Emergency Care, Special Topics in Athletic Therapy, and Clinical Internship
* 3 elective credits chosen from: Physical Activity Epidemiology, Current Developments in the Biochemistry of Exercise, Physical Fitness Assessment, Exercise Prescription and Rehabilitation in Special Populations and Clinical Biomechanics
* 18 elective credits from a department other than Exercise Science