• ERTH 4000.00: Advanced Field School
• ERTH 4200X/Y.06: Honours Thesis
• ERTH 4350.03: Tectonics
• Plus other advanced Earth Science credits for a total of nine credits beyond the 1000 level.
• Honours Qualifying Examination
Other required classes
• MATH 1000.03
• MATH 1010.03
• PHYC 1100X/Y.06, CHEM 1011.03/1012.03
ERTH 1030.03: Introduction to Physical Geography.
ERTH 1060.03: Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Natural Disasters.
ERTH 1080.03: Geology I.
ERTH 1090.03: Geology II.
ERTH 1091.03: Geology II.
ERTH 2000.015: Earth Sciences Field School.
ERTH 2001.03: Earth Materials Science I.
ERTH 2002.03: Earth Materials Science II.
ERTH 2110.03: Field Methods.
ERTH 2203.03: Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks.
ERTH 2205.03: Introduction to Paleontology.
ERTH 2270.03: Introduction to Applied Geophysics.
ERTH 2380.03: Geochemistry.
ERTH 2410.03: Environmental and Resource Geology I.