Bachelor of Science Combined Honours: Earth Sciences and Chemistry
Academic titleBachelor of Science Combined Honours: Earth Sciences and Chemistry
Course descriptionCombined Honours: Earth Sciences and Chemistry
Students should follow the Earth Sciences Honours Program in Years I-III, but should take 3000 level Chemistry classes in place of ERTH 3302.03/3303.03 and 2270.03/3270.03.
1000 level
• ERTH 1080.03 and any other 1st year ERTH course, ERTH 1090 recommended or SCIE 1502.21 or SCIE 1504.27 or SCIE 1510.33
2000 level
• ERTH 2000.015: Earth Sciences Field School
• ERTH 2001.03: Earth Materials Science I
• ERTH 2002.03: Earth Materials Science II
• ERTH 2110.03 (Prerequisite: ERTH 2000.015): Field Methods
• ERTH 2203.03: Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
• ERTH 2205.03: Introduction to Paleontology
• ERTH 2270.03: Introduction to Applied Geophysics