Bachelor of Music with Concentration in Performance

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Bachelor of Music with Concentration in Performance

  • Objectives The Bachelor of Music Program offers intensive professional music training which prepares students for careers or further study in many areas, including performance, composition, theory, musicology, music criticism or music education. It also offers excellent preparation for professional studies in other areas, such as law or journalism. The 20-credit BA in Music, the Honours BA in Music, and the BA or BSc Combined Honours with Music programs provide a strong foundation for various professions where a working knowledge of music is desirable, such as librarianship, media programming and production, music industry commercial studio and electroacoustic work, arts management, recreational and therapeutic work, to name only a few.
  • Academic title Bachelor of Music with Concentration in Performance
  • Course description Bachelor of Music (BMus)

    The BMus is a four-year program with sixteen out of twenty credits in Music. Upon successful completion of the second year, students in good standing (minimum overall average GPA of 2.7 [B-] in first and second year Music classes) may continue with studies in the BMus General degree or may apply for one of three concentrations (Composition, Musicology or Performance). Additional requirements for acceptance to the areas of concentration are listed below with concentration requirements.

    Students wishing to pursue one of the three concentrations must apply for their area by March 1 of their second year of study.

    1. Common Curriculum

    First Year
    •     MUSC 1000-level Applied Study (MUSC 1101X/Y.06 to MUSC 1121X/Y.06)
    •     MUSC 1201.03: Music Theory I
    •     MUSC 1202.03: Music Theory II
    •     MUSC 1270X/Y.03: Aural Skills I
    •     MUSC 1271X/Y.03: Keyboard Skills I
    •     MUSC 1352.03: Music History I
    •     MUSC 1353.03: Music History II
    •     Arts and Social Sciences or Science elective, one full credit (Writing Class elective)
    •     MUSC 0122X/Y.00: Ensemble I: (normally 2 ensembles, as approved by the Department and Applied Study instructor)

    Second Year

    •     MUSC 2000-level Applied Study (MUSC 2101X/Y.06 to MUSC 2121X/Y.06)
    •     MUSC 2201.03: Music Theory III
    •     MUSC 2202.03: Music Theory IV
    •     MUSC 2270X/Y.03: Aural Skills II
    •     MUSC 2271X/Y.03: Keyboard Skills II
    •     MUSC 2352.03: Music History III
    •     MUSC 2353.03: Music History IV: Focused Study *
    •     Arts and Social Sciences or Science electives, 2 half credits
    •     MUSC 0222X/Y.00: Ensemble II: (normally 2 ensembles, as approved by the Department and Applied Study instructor)

    * Voice students intending to pursue a Concentration in Performance must take MUSC 2175.03 (Lyric Diction for Singers) either in the second or third year of study, depending on the cycle of courses. If they take MUSC 2175.03 in the second year, MUSC 2353.03 (Music History IV) is deferred to year three or four, not omitted.

    * Students intending to pursue a Concentration in Composition may take MUSC 2210.03 (Introduction to Composition) in the Fall semester of their second year. Students taking this option will have to defer their Fall half credit Arts and Social Sciences or Sciences elective to the Winter term of their second year, and will thus be taking two half-credit electives during this term. Also, MUSC 2353.03 (Music History IV) will be removed from the Winter term of their second year. Students accepted into Composition will replace MUSC 2353.03 with either MUSC 4353.03 (Music Since 1945) or MUSC 4362.03 (Topics in Canadian Music) during their third or fourth year. Students who are not accepted into Composition will take MUSC 2353.03 (Music History IV) in either their third or fourth year.

    Concentration in Performance

    Students in good standing (minimum overall average GPA of 2.7 [B-] in first and second year Music classes), along with a minimum grade of 3.3 (B+) in their first and second year Applied Study may audition at the end of second year to apply for admission to this concentration.

    Students selected for this concentration will demonstrate outstanding abilities and potential as performers. See Department for further details concerning admission procedures.

    Students who are accepted in this concentration must achieve a minimum grade of 3.3 (B+) in third year Performance Concentration Applied Study (MUSC 3701.06 to 3721.06) and in the Third Year performance recital (MUSC 3199.03) in order to remain in the concentration. Students must achieve a minimum grade of 2.7 [B-] in their fourth year Performance Concentration Applied Study (MUSC 4701.06 to 4721.06) and in their Fourth Year performance recital (4199.03).

    Third Year
    •     MUSC-3000 level Performance Concentration Applied Study (MUSC 3701X/Y.06 to MUSC 3721X/Y.06)
    •     MUSC 3199X/Y.03: Half-Recital (Year III Performance)
    •     MUSC 3283.03: Modal Counterpoint or 3284.03: Tonal Counterpoint
    •     MUSC 3281.03: Form and Analysis I
    •     MUSC 0322X/Y.00: Ensemble III: (normally 2 ensembles, as approved by the Department and Applied Study instructor)

    Fourth Year
    •     MUSC 4000-level Performance Concentration Applied Study (MUSC 4701X/Y.06 to MUSC 4721X/Y.06)
    •     MUSC 4199X/Y.03: Area Graduation Requirement (Performance: Recital)
    •     MUSC 4281.03: Form and Analysis II
    •     MUSC 0422X/Y.00: Ensemble IV: (normally 2 ensembles, as approved by the Department and Applied Study instructor)

    Although not required, students in Performance are encouraged to take MUSC 3282.03, Orchestration, as one of their Music electives.

    Also in the third and fourth years, according to idiom:

    Voice (5.5 credits):
    •     MUSC 3176.03: Principles of Vocal Pedagogy
    •     MUSC 3177.03: Vocal Literature
    •     MUSC 3314.03: History of Opera
    •     1.5 credits Music elective, any choice
    •     MUSC 2175.03 Lyric Diction for Singers, taken in year 2 or 3, depending on cycle with Pedagogy/Literature
    •     2 full credits Arts and Social Sciences or Science electives (at least one Arts and Social Sciences or Science elective taken over the 4-year program must be an Introductory Language course: either Italian, German or French)

    Piano (5.5 credits):
    •     MUSC 3186.03: Piano Pedagogy
    •     MUSC 3355.03: The Piano and its Literature
    •     2.5 full credits Music electives, any choice; however, if offered, students should take:
    •     MUSC 3353.03: Chamber Music Literature
    •     2 full credits Arts and Social Sciences or Science electives

    Strings (5.5 credits):
    •     3.5 credits Music electives, any choice; however, if offered, students should take:
    •     MUSC 3160.03: Conducting
    •     MUSC 3353.03: Chamber Music Literature
    •     2 full credits Arts and Social Sciences or Science electives

    Guitar (5.5 credits):
    •     MUSC 3308.06: Modern Guitar
    •     MUSC 4170.03: Improvisation Techniques and Practices
    •     2 full credits Music electives, any choice
    •     2 full credits Arts and Social Sciences or Science electives

    (5.5 credits):
    •     MUSC 4170X/Y.03: Improvisation Techniques and Practices
    •     MUSC 2020.03: The History of Jazz
    •     2.5 credits Music electives, any choice
    •     2 full credits Arts and Social Sciences or Science electives

    Wind and brass instruments, percussion (5.5 credits):
    •     3.5 Music electives, any choice
    •     2 full credits Arts and Social Sciences or Science electives
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