Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing

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Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing

  • Objectives The Marketing curriculum ensures that our students are up-to-date and fully equipped in terms of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes suitable for marketplace success in the twenty-first century. The applied “how to” approach that pervades the marketing curriculum greatly enhances graduates’ employability and value to a corporation immediately upon graduation, preparing them to start the new business that Canada requires to ensure its future economic well-being.
  • Practical experience There is an optional co-op aspect associated with this course.
  • Academic title Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing
  • Course description Major in Marketing — 24 credits
    Minor in Marketing — 12 credits

    Sample courses include:

        * Marketing Research
        * Consumer Behaviour
        * Advertising
        * Personal Selling and Sales Management
        * Customer Service Excellence
        * Product Strategy and Innovation
        * Strategic Marketing Planning

    Core Courses:
    Year 1
    — 24 credits

    Term 1

        * COMM 210 - Contemporary Business Thinking
        * COMM 212 - Business Communication
        * COMM 215 - Business Statistics
        * COMM 217 - Financial Accounting

    Term 2

        * COMM 220 - Analysis of Markets
        * COMM 222 - Organizational Behaviour and Theory
        * COMM 224 - Marketing Management
        * COMM 225 - Production and Operations Management

    Year 2 — 15 credits

    Term 1

        * COMM 301 - Management Information Systems
        * COMM 305 - Managerial Accounting
        * COMM 308 - Introduction to Finance

    Term 2

        * COMM 315 - Business Law and Ethics
        * COMM 320 - Entrepreneurship

    Year 3 — 3 credits

        * COMM 401 - Strategy and Competition

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