Bachelor of Business Administration - Human Resources
ObjectivesThere is growing recognition that the quality of an organization's human resources plays a central role in an ever changing business environment. With organization's facing the need for continuous change in a competitive environment they must than ever begin to rely on the knowledge, skills and abilities of their workforce to confront such challenges. Human resources is a field of business administration that works towards ensuring this for the organization. Through courses such as compensation management, human resource management, industrial relations, training and development, and organizational behaviour students will learn how to ensure that the human resource goal of attracting, developing and maintaining a competitive workforce is accomplished. Students completing this concentration may want to discuss with faculty the various options for certification as a human resource professional that are available throughout Canada.
Academic titleBachelor of Business Administration - Human Resources
Course descriptionRequired Business Core Courses:
ECO102 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECO103 Introduction to Macroeconomics
BMA140 Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions I
BMA141 Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions II
BAC121 Purposes of Accounting
BAC221 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
BFN201 Finance I
BFN203 Finance II
BHR221 Organizational Behaviour
BMG112 Introduction to Management Theory and Practice
ILT100 Information Literacy and Critical Thinking Lab (1 credit lab)
BMG215* Introduction to International Business
BMG311 Business Policy
BMK112 Consumer Behaviour and Introduction to Marketing
BMK211 Marketing Management
BMS231 Operations Management
Note: All required Business core courses are normally offered in each semester (Fall and Winter).
Human Resource Management Concentration Stream Courses:
9 courses, 27 credits
Required: 1 course (3 credits)
BHR224 Human Resource Management Plus any 6 of:
BMG230 Business Research Methods
BHR312 Industrial Relations
BHR313 Compensation Management
BHR315 Training and Development
BHR316 Organizational Conflict and Negotiation
BHR321 Organizational Theory
BHR325 Topics in Human Resource Management
BHR326 Personnel Recruitment & Selection
BHR328 Occupational Health and Safety
BHR330 International Human Resources
BHR333 Employment Law
BHR334 Administering the Collective Agreement
BMG322 Change Management
ECO204 Labour Economics Plus: 2 courses which may be in this stream in Business, or outside of Business
Note: HR students contemplating the Human Resources Professional designation should consult the area coordinator for appropriate courses.