ObjectivesThis program offers systematic, comprehensive and individualized study of French language, literature, linguistics and other program elements both inside and outside the classroom.
Academic titleBachelor of Arts in French
Course description20-credit BA with Major in French
Students must take a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine credits in French.
Departmental requirements
2000 level
• FREN 2045.06
• FREN 2201.03
• FREN 2202.03
3000 level
• FREN 3045.06
• Two other 3000 level full credits in French
4000 level
• FREN 4017.03 and 4046.03
• One 4000 level full credit in French
FREN 1005X/Y.06: Français fondamental/Basic French.
FREN 1045X/Y.06: Français intermédiare/Intermediate French.
FREN 1050X/Y.06: Français pour Anciens Etudiants des programs D'Immersion/French for Former Immersion Students.
FREN 1060X/Y.06: Pratique de la lecture/French for Reading.
Note: Most classes above this level are given entirely in French. Exceptions: FREN 2060.03, FREN 2275.03, FREN 2800.03, FREN 2801.03, FREN 3125.03, FREN 3175.03, FREN 4016.06 (These classes do not satisfy the French degree program requirements or the Faculty Language requirement.)
FREN 2002.03: Le français oral/Spoken French.
FREN 2003.03: La Comprehension auditive/French for Listening Comprehension.
FREN 2020.03: Introduction à La Linguistique/Introduction to Linguistics.
FREN 2021.03: FREN 2022.03: Langue et culture/Language and Culture.
FREN 2060.03: Advanced Readings in French/Pratique de la lecture, niveau superieur.
FREN 2201.03: FREN 2202.03: Introduction à la littérature/ Introduction to French Literature.
FREN 2203.03: Approches du texte littéraire/ Approaches to Literary Texts.
FREN 2275.03: French Literature in Translation: The Novel/Littérature française le cas du roman en traduction anglaise.
FREN 2800.03: Cinema: The French Phenomenon I. From the Lumière Brothers to the New Wave.
FREN 2801.03: Cinema: The French Phenomenon II. From the New Wave to the New Millennium.
FREN 2994.03: Independent Study.
FREN 3000.03: Cours supérieur de français oral/ Advanced Oral French Workshop.
FREN 3020X/Y.06: Linguistique/Linguistics.
FREN 3021.03: Syntaxe / Syntax.
FREN 3022.03: Semantics / Semantique.
FREN 3025.03: Les Parlers acadiens: Introduction linguistique/Linguistic Introduction to Acadian Dialectology.
FREN 3026.03: Le français québécois/ Quebec French.
FREN 3030X/Y.06: Le français des affaires/French for Business.
FREN 3045X/Y.06: Expression écrite I/Written Expression I.
FREN 3101.03: Civilisation de la France/Civilization of France.
FREN 3125.03: The French-Speaking World/Le Monde francophone.
FREN 3150.03: Aspects de la francophonie/Aspects of the Francophone World.
FREN 3175.03: Topical Issues in Francophonie/Thémes de la francophonie.
FREN 3225.03: L'Epistolaire/Letter Writing in French Literature.
FREN 3250.03: Ecrivaines françaises/French Women writers.
FREN 3260.03: Contes et légendes du monde francophone/Tales and Legends of the Francophone World.
FREN 3300.03: La littérature m?di?vale/ Mediaeval French Literature.
FREN 3400.03: La littérature du seiziéme siècle/16th Century French Literature.
FREN 3500.03: La littérature du dix-septiéme siècle/17th Century French Literature.
FREN 3600.03: La littérature du dix-huitiéme siècle/18th Century French Literature.
FREN 3700.03: La littérature du dix-neuviéme siècle/19th Century French Literature.
FREN 3750.03: littérature industrielle, Roman populaire et Roman de consommation/Popular Literature and the Rise of Mass Culture.
FREN 3800.03: Théâtre et poésie du vingtiéme siècle/ French Theatre and Poetry of the 20th Century.
FREN 3810.03: Prose et théorie littéraire du 20e siècle/ 20th Century Prose and Literary Theory.
FREN 3811.03: Introduction to African and Caribbean Francophone Literature/ Introduction a la literature francophone de l-afrique subsaharienne et des caribes.
FREN 3900.03: FREN 3901.03: La littérature canadienne française/French-Canadian Literature.
FREN 3910.03: Études acadiennes/Acadian Studies.
FREN 3994.03: Independent Study.
FREN 4001.03: Histoire du français - Moyen Age/History of French - The Middle Ages.
FREN 4002.03: Histoire du français - époque moderne/History of French - The Modern Period.
FREN 4011.03: La Lexicologie/Lexicology.
FREN 4013.03: Pragmatique/Pragmatics.
FREN 4014.03: Langue et société/ Language and Society.
FREN 4016.06: Introduction to Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching.
FREN 4018.03: Outils et ressources électroniques d'aide à la rédaction, la traduction et la r?vision en français/Electronic tools and resources for French.