Bachelor of Arts Honours in Linguistics

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Bachelor of Arts Honours in Linguistics

  • Entry requirements An honours degree is strongly recommended for students who plan to do graduate work in linguistics.
  • Academic title Bachelor of Arts Honours in Linguistics
  • Course description Although the Linguistics program is offered jointly by several universities, the degree is granted by the student's home University. Students must meet the general requirements set by the University in which they are registered.

    Core Program Requirements
    •     A two semester (full credit equivalent) Introduction to Linguistics, which can be taken at any of the three institutions:
        •     SMU LIN 1200.0 Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
        •     DAL FREN 3020.06 Linguistics or FREN 2020.03 (Introduction to Linguistics) plus FREN 3021.03 (Syntaxe) or FREN 3022.03 Sémantique (taught in French)
        •     MSVU LING 2251.1(2) Nature of Language, and MSVU 2252.1(2) The Analysis of Language
    •     Two to four of the following half-credit classes (or equivalent), depending on the specific degree:
        •     SMU LIN 2310.1(2) Phonology
        •     SMU LIN 2320.1(2) Morphology
        •     SMU LIN 2330.1(2) Syntax
        •     SMU LIN 2340.1(2) Semantics

    Program Requirements

    A minimum of 10 credits. These must include:
    •     A two semester (full credit equivalent) Introduction to Linguistics, listed under Core Program Requirements (above);
    •     All four of the half-credit classes (or equivalent), listed under Core Program Requirements (above);
    •     One credit selected with the advice of the program coordinator. In addition to regularly scheduled classes, special topics / directed readings, computer language classes and / or intermediate level formal logic classes may be recommended here;
    •     The equivalent of a one-credit second (or foreign) language class at the intermediate level; and,
    •     Five credits selected from the list of linguistics classes offered at Dalhousie, and neighboring universities (see the list of options below).

    A. Classes Offered at Dalhousie University

    Contemporary Studies

    •     CTMP 2304.03: Semiotics
    •     CTMP 4115.06: Language and Politics: The Linguistic Turn in Contemporary Political Thought

    •     ENGL 2201.06: The English Language
    •     ENGL 3007.06: Old English

    Unless specifically indicated otherwise, all courses are taught in French.
    •     FREN 3025.03: Linguistics: Introduction to Acadian Dialectology
    •     FREN 3026.03: Quebec French
    •     FREN 4001.03: History of French: The Middle Ages
    •     FREN 4001.03: History of French: The Modern Period
    •     FREN 4011.03: Lexicology
    •     FREN 4012.03: Aspects of French Structure
    •     FREN 4013.03: Pragmatics
    •     FREN 4014.03: Language and Society
    •     FREN 4015.06: Advanced Translation into English
    •     FREN 4016.06: Introduction to Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching (taught in English)
    •     FREN 4017.03: General Translation
    •     FREN 4018.03: Electronic Tools and Resources for French (taught in English)

    •     PHIL 3300.03: Philosophy of Language
    •     PHIL 4510.03: Topics in the Philosophy of Language

    •     PSYO 3052.03: Sensory Neuroscience II: Hearing and Speech
    •     PSYO 3093.03: Language & Literacy
    •     PSYO3190.03: Psycholinguistics
    •     PSYO 3790.03: Neurolinguistics

    •     RUSS 4000.06:The Structure of Contemporary Standard Russian

    •     SOSA 3081.03:Sociolinguistics

    B. Classes offered at Saint Mary's University (SMU) and Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU)


    •     SMU ANT 1290.1(2): Introduction to Human Communication
    •     SMU ANT 2391.1(2): Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
    •     SMU ANT 2392.1(2): Language, Culture and Society
    •     SMU ANT 3395.1(2): Language Use and Issues in Northern Canada
    •     SMU ANT 4491.1(2): Ethnography of Communication
    •     SMU ANT 4492.1(2): Anthropological Analysis of Linguistic Communities
    •     MSVU LING 2281.1(2): Language and Culture

    •     MSVU LING 3385.1(2): Teaching English as a Second Language I
    •     MSVU LING 3386.1(2): Teaching English as a Second Language II

    •     SMU EGL 2311.1(2): Modern English Language
    •     SMU EGL 3312.1 (2): Modern English Language in Canada
    •     SMU EGL 3402.0: History of the English Language
    •     SMU EGL 2308.1(2): English Prose Style from 1500
    •     SMU EGL 4490.0: Discourse Analysis

    •     SMU FRE 3321.1(2): French Phonetics
    •     SMU FRE 3341.1(2): Linguistic Study of French
    •     SMU FRE 3305.1(2): Acadian Language and Culture
    •     SMU FRE 4440.1(2): Canadian French: Sociolinguistic Perspectives
    •     MSVU LING 3371.1(2): Structure and Variety in Contemporary French I: Phonetics
    •     MSVU LING 3372.1(2): Structure and Variety in Contemporary French II: Grammar
    •     MSVU LING 3384.1(2): The Development of Modern French

    •     SMU LIN 4410.1(2): Directed Readings in Linguistics I
    •     SMU LIN 4411.1(2): Directed Reading in Linguistics II
    •     SMU LIN 3431.1(2): Special Topics in Linguistics I
    •     SMU LIN 4432.1(2): Special Topics in Linguistics II
    •     SMU LIN 3341.1(2): Advanced Morphology
    •     SMU LIN 3342.1(2): Comparative Linguistics

    Political Studies
    •     MSVU LING 3308.1(2): Language and Politics


    •     SMU PHI 402.1(2): Philosophy of Language: Meaning
    •     SMU PHI 403.1(2): Philosophy of Language: Speech Acts

    •     MSVU LING 3311.1(2): Language Development

    •     SMU SOC 3338.1(2): Language Change and Social Change
    •     SMU SOC 3366.1(2): Field Methods in Linguistics I
    •     SMU SOC 3367.1(2): Field Methods in Linguistics II *
    •     SMU SOC 4417.0: Seminar on Endangered Languages

    Women's Studies
    •     SMU WMS/EGL 2326.1(2): Language and Gender
    •     SMU WMS/EGL 3427.1(2): Language, Gender and Power
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