Advanced Care Paramedic Ontario College Graduate Certificate
ObjectivesThis full time graduate program will build upon the knowledge and experience of currently practicing Paramedics to prepare graduates who are able to deliver an expanded set of controlled medical acts to patients suffering from serious medical and traumatic emergencies. Utilizing advanced assessment, critical thinking, and decision-making skills, the Advanced Care Paramedic is able to perform invasive therapeutic interventions to manage life-threatening situations in the pre-hospital environment.
Practical experienceHospital clinical placement will have the students developing their skills and knowledge in acute care areas (e.g. adult emergency, intensive care, obstetrics, operating room and pediatric emergency).
Entry requirementsParamedics
Academic titleAdvanced Care Paramedic Ontario College Graduate Certificate
Course descriptionLevel 1 Credits
Take all of the following Mandatory courses:
ANAT-6005 Anatomy & Physiology 1 1.00
PARA-6001 Paramedicine-Intro to Adv 1.00
PARA-6002 Patient Assessment 1.00
PARA-6003 Airway & Respiratory Emergencies 1.00
PHRM-6002 Pharmacology 1 1.00
PARA-6009 Adv Care Paramedic Theory: Introduction 3.00
PARA-6011 Cardiovascular Emergencies1 1.50
Level 2 Credits Take all of the following Mandatory courses:
PARA-6012 Cardiovascular Emergencies 2 2.00
PARA-6005 Medical & Traumatic Emergencies 1.50
PARA-6006 Paramedicine: Unifying Concepts 1.50
PHRM-6003 Pharmacology 2 1.00
ANAT-6006 Anatomy & Physiology 2 1.00
Level 3 Credits
Take all of the following Mandatory courses:
PARA-6007 Hospital Clinical Practice 12.00
PARA-6008 Field Internship 10.80
PARA-6010 Comprehensive Review 1.00
ANAT-6005 - Anatomy & Physiology 1
ANAT-6006 - Anatomy & Physiology 2
PARA-6001 - Paramedicine-Intro to Adv
In this course, students will receive an orientation to the concept of case-based learning. The philosophy of the Advanced Care Paramedic (ACP) program will be covered along with program expectations, class preparedness and research techniques. This course will establish the framework for all other courses in the Advanced Care paramedic program. An overview of various topics will be presented. Emergency Medical Systems, medical-legal issues, statistics, research and communications will be discussed.
PARA-6002 - Patient Assessment
In this course students will discuss and practice various approaches to patient assessment. Students will set priorities and implement components of their assessment to reflect the presenting condition and/or chief complaint of various patient cases. Students will learn to employ various assessment strategies and adaptations for the infant, pediatric, adolescent, adult and elderly patient.
PARA-6003 - Airway & Respiratory Emergencies
In this course, students will present and discuss patient cases that require advanced airway and/or ventilation management. They will implement various methods of management and provide a rationale to support their decision-making. Students will practice techniques for managing airway obstructions, including manual thrusts, suctioning, cricothyroidotomy, and the use of Magill forceps. Techniques for ensuring airway patency will be employed including oro and naso pharyngeal airways, oro and naso tracheal intubation, LMA, and combitubes.
PARA-6005 - Medical & Traumatic Emergencies
In this course, assessment priorities and management techniques for a variety of presenting conditions will be covered. Students will investigate various conditions leading to an altered level of consciousness in the patient. Students will also present and discuss case studies involving patients with respiratory distress, an acute abdomen, environmental emergencies, obstetrics, trauma emergencies and multi-casualty situations.
PARA-6006 - Paramedicine: Unifying Concepts
In this course, students will explore a variety of issues encountered in the emergency medical field. Topics such as ethics, cultural diversification, death and dying, documentation and preventative medicine will be discussed. Students will receive a number of certifications during this course, which represent an amalgamation of knowledge and skills studied throughout the previous courses. Students will be expected to conduct and present a research project as part of this course.
PARA-6007 - Hospital Clinical Practice
In this course, students will practice assessmentand interpretation skills, patient management andspecific treatment techniques in the hospitalsetting. Students will have exposure to patientsin a variety of settings, including the emergencydepartment, operating room and critical careunits. The clinical practice consists of 240 hoursin an acute care hospital (40 hours per week over6 weeks).
PARA-6008 - Field Internship
In this course, students will consolidate all learning outcomes of the program in the field setting. By the conclusion of this course, students will have demonstrated all competencies on an independent basis. The field internship consists of 400 hours (40 hours per week over 10 weeks).
PARA-6009 - Adv Care Paramedic Theory: Introduction
This independent study course is designed to allowthe student to reflect on the knowledge andexperience gained as a Primary Care Paramedic.Application of this antecedent knowledge will thenbe utilized to develop the more complex conceptsrequired by the Advanced Care Paramedic.
PARA-6010 - Comprehensive Review
The purpose of this course is to provide acomprehensive overview of the Advanced CareParamedic program. Students will be able todemonstrate their knowledge and abilities inwritten, practical skills, scenario and oral boardexaminations.
PARA-6011 - Cardiovascular Emergencies1