Administrative Assistant Diploma

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Comments about Administrative Assistant Diploma - At the institution - Greater Sudbury - Ontario

  • Objectives
    Administrative Assistants are key to supporting any management function. This program has been designed to provide the student with a comprehensive knowledge of computer software and administrative office management applications.
  • Practical experience
    All Administrative Assistant students are required to participate in a compulsory work placement in the fourth semester. It consists of an unpaid work experience. The actual placement will be arranged through the coordinator of field placement. The exposure to the working world allows students to put into practice their recently obtained skills and knowledge.
  • Academic title
    Administrative Assistant Diploma
  • Course description
          Semester 1
        * ACC1100   -   004   -   Introduction To Accounting

          This course introduces the student to the fundamental accounting principles of debit and credit and to the double entry system of bookkeeping. It also covers the use of control accounts and deals with the opening and closing of a set of books along with the preparation of financial statements.

        * BUS1100   -   004   -   Business Mathematics

          This is a course designed to provide an understanding and application of business mathematics. Its primary objective is to enhance knowledge and skills in the solution of practical financial and mathematical problems encountered in the business community. The course will also provide supportive base for material in more advanced courses such as finance, quantitive management methods, accounting, marketing, operations management, and in computer-oriented courses.

        * BUS1106   -   003   -   Computerized Business Applications

          This course is a hands-on introduction to microcomputers and productivity software with applications strealined for business. Students will use a windows environment to handle file management, backup and system utilities, and an office suite to perform document processing, presentation tasks, and integration.

        * ENG1510   -   002   -   Business Communications I

          In this course, students will begin to develop professional business communication skills through the study and practice of the theory of communication, patterns of organization, usage and style appropriate to the workplace, and editing and proofreading strategies.

        * ENG1551   -   001   -   Writing Fundamentals: Ind. Study

          This course is required in the first semester of most post-secondary programs at Cambrian. The purpose of the course is to allow students to develop their independent learning skills and to review the fundamental conventions of Standard English.

        * MKT1100   -   004   -   Introduction To Marketing I

          This course is designed to be a total overview of the contemporary marketing process. Emphasis will be placed on concepts which are the basis for marketing decision-making and the environment in which marketing activities take place. Case reports will be introduced and used as part of the learning process.

          Semester 2

        * AAP1210   -   004   -   Office Procedures I - Overview

          ThIS course focuses on the demands of the changing office and the skills needed to be successful in the 21st century workplace. Students are introduced to the administrative assistant career, human relations, office communications, information management, and customer service.

        * AAP2365   -   004   -   Desktop Publishing & Presentations

          In this course, students will gain knowledge of page design and layout using presentation software and desktop publishing software. Software integration and the production of publication-quality documents will be emphasized. This course includes advanced topics in word processing, database and spreadsheet management and Internet research tools.

        * ACC1215   -   003   -   Accounting Simulation

          Prerequisites: ACC 1100 + enrolment in ACC 1310, BUS 1106 In this course, the student will analyze and record various financial transactions utilizing all modules of the Simply Accounting program: general, payable, receivable, payroll, inventory, and project. The student will also set up a complete computerized accounting system using the Simply Accounting software.

        * ACC1310   -   004   -   Financial Accounting

          Prerequisite: ACC 1100 This course begins an examination of accounting techniques required by business administration students. Procedures relating to cash, receivables, inventories, current liabilities, payroll, partnerships, and corporations are examined.

        * BUS2410   -   002   -   Employment Readiness

          Prerequisite: ENG 1550 In an environment of ever increasing job market competitiveness, this course prepares the student for entering the workforce. The course focuses on helping each student understand the recruitment process and develop a comprehensive personal marketing plan and job search strategy.

        * ENG2210   -   003   -   Business Communications II

          Prerequisite: ENG 1510, ENG 1550, ENG 2324 or ENG 1710 Students will apply the business communication strategies and techniques studied in Business Communications I (ENG 1510) to specific workplace situations. This course will prepare students to create the effective written and oral reports required in their professions.

        * ISP3025   -   004   -   Spreadsheet Management

          This course is designed to familiarize the student with the use of spreadsheets in the business world. The student will gain "hands-on" experience working with and creating worksheets, graphs, lists, and macros using Microsoft Excel to develop proficiency with spreadsheet functions and applications.

          Semester 3

        * AAP2311   -   004   -   Simulated Office Applications

          Prerequisite: AAP 2365 and ISP 3025 This course is designed to prepare students for the contemporary workplace by using current computer hardware technology and application software to solve problems typically encountered in a business environment. Emphasis will be on a mastery of Microsoft Office suite application software for the purpose of adding value to realistic consultative and administrative tasks in order to complete multi-layered projects. Problem-based learning methods will be employed throughout the course.

        * AAP2370   -   004   -   Office Procedures II: Legal/Medical

          Prerequisite: AAP 1210 This course is designed to introduce students to legal and medical terminology necessary to equip the student with the required vocabulary to prepare a variety of legal and medical correspondence and documentation to mailable standards. Students will transcribe a variety of letters and correspondence customary to a legal and medical office environment using various modes of dictation.

        * AAP2375   -   002   -   Shorthand & Speedwriting

          This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop a high level of speed in note-taking through the use of shorthand and to transcribe notes taken accurately.

        * BUS2040   -   003   -   Organizational Behavior

          An organization is a group of people working toward a common goal or objective. People are the common denominator in organization regardless of size or purpose. The study of organizational behaviour helps us predict, explain, and manage individual and group behaviour in the workplace to achieve organizational objectives.

        * BUS2320   -   003   -   Commercial Law

          This course is designed to teach students how to think about legal problems. It focuses on the types of legal issues that students will encounter most frequently when they enter the business world. The approach of the course is to discuss legal rules in the context of examples illustrated through the case method.

        * ENG2315   -   002   -   Business Communications III

          Prerequisite: ENG 1510, ENG 1550, ENG 1710 or ENG 2324 Using the business communication strategies and techniques studied in Business Communications I (ENG 1510), students will create the effective business correspondence required in specific workplace situations in their professions.

          Semester 4

        * AAP2325   -   004   -   Financial Support

          Prerequisite: ACC 1100 - Introduction to Accounting is recommended In this course, students expand their financial skills to incorporate the financial practices of a business organization. Topics include budgeting, financial analysis, fixed income investments, and risk management.

        * AAP2360   -   004   -   Office Management

          This course prepares the student for the administrative assistant career. There is special emphasis on design and appraisal of information storage systems, meeting and conference preparation, travel preparation, computers and office applications, reference sources human relations topics. This course will also re-enforce job search techniques including resume preparation, and job interview skills.

        * AAP2380   -   003   -   Medical Billing

          This course introduces the student to legal billing and the medical OHIP billing system. An understanding of the schedule of benefits and preambles of the Ministry of Health will also be reviewed.

        * BUS2489   -   010   -   Field Placement

          Prerequisite: Must have successfully completed all academic courses and a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0. This course is designed to introduce the student to the realities of the workplace through eight weeks of unpaid, practical training with a participating placement employer.

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