3D Graphics and Game Development Graduate Certificate

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Comments about 3D Graphics and Game Development Graduate Certificate - At the institution - Montreal - Québec

  • Objectives
    * To offer the fundamental concepts and advanced design principles of 3D Graphics and Intelligent Systems in the context of 3D Game design. * To provide expertise in applying the principal techniques associated with programming and developing computer video games.
  • Academic title
    3D Graphics and Game Development Graduate Certificate
  • Course description
    Requirements for Completion

       1. Credits. A minimum of 16 Credits.
       2. Courses. Candidates in the graduate certificate program must take 16 credits of core courses.
       3. Good Standing. Students who have completed at least two courses will be assessed in June of each year. To be permitted to continue, students must have obtained a weight cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 3.00.
       4. Graduation. To be eligible to graduate, students must have obtained a CGPA of at least 3.00.
       5. Courses:

        Core Courses

            * INSE 6510 Video Game Technology and Development
            * COMP 6761 Advanced 3D Graphics for Game Programming
            * INSE 6530 3D Graphics and Computer Animation for Game Design
            * COMP 7661 Advanced Rendering and Animation for 3D Games

        Pre-requisites: Special Permission must be obtained from CIISE.

    #  INSE 6510 Video Game Technology and Development
    Prerequisite: COMP 5511 or equivalent, previously or concurrently.
    This course is part development and part technology, and will cover the process of commercial video game development, and software design patterns used for game design. The course provides an in-depth understanding of how the game design process works. Students work with a game engine software framework to design and implement several kinds of games. Video game history. Basic Building blocks of a game. Elements of game design. Game Maker: objects, sprites, events. Space Shooter. Developing games with Games Factory. Real Time Strategy game development. A project.

    # COMP 6761 Advanced Computer Graphics
    Prerequisite: COMP 5511
    Fundamental algorithms, techniques, and software engineering principles for 3D graphics. Introduction to real-time graphics application architecture, review of basic 3D concepts of modeling, viewing, and rendering. 3D graphics functions, pipeline, and performance. Hierarchical 3D graphics. Algorithms for occlusion culling, collision detection, photorealism, shadows, and textures. Current trends and state-of-the-are graphics and physics algorithms. Laboratory: Two hours per week.

    # INSE 6530 3D Graphics and Computer Animation for Game Design
    Prerequisite: COMP 6761 or equivalent, previously or concurrently.
    Application of 3D graphics and animation topics to non-real-time rendered media. Current research topics in computer animation such as dynamic simulation of flexible and rigid objects, automatically-generated control systems, and evolution of behaviours. History of Animation. Animation Basics. Keyframe Animation. Path Animation. Non-Linear Animation. Modeling Concerns for Animation. Rigging for Forward and Inverse Kinematics. Morphing. Expressions. Particle Systems. Dynamics. A project.

    # COMP 7661 – Advanced Rendering and Animation
    Prerequisite: COMP 6761 or equivalent.
    Advanced concepts in rendering and animation with emphasis on computational techniques for synthesizing complex realistic images, both static and dynamic. Topics include: overview of computer graphics techniques in games, cinema, and engineering; realistic rendering methods in real time; animation techniques including shape and character animation. A project.

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